BONUS: Garry's Letter

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Dear Ib,

                  I'm not good at starting letters, but anyways, I'd like to thank you for saving my butt out there. I think that you getting stuck in this world is a blessing in disguise. You were able to survive on your own before you met me, and we share this incredible friendship. Perhaps you want to know more about me? Well, I'm actually 18 years old. I live alone, I'm a nomad, or a person who takes their home with them. If you're wondering about my height, I'm 176cm. That's about it. I'm actually writing this letter while you're sleeping. You look so cute and cozy with my coat. One day, when we get out of this place, I will treat you to some macaroons. Macaroons are these candies shaped like hamburgers. I tried them out at a cafe last week and it was DELICIOUS!! I can't wait to see the look on your face when you eat them. We can go out to the carnival or something, ride some thrilling rides, taste the horrible food---I don't think they're that horrible, but since that's what most people say... We can visit the park, watch the sun set, anything really.. I just can't wait to leave this fake world and go back to the real one. Smell the fresh air, hear the chatters of busy businessmen, see those colorful billboards, meet new people. I just can't wait.. Who knows? We might meet someone here, and you know, the more the merrier I guess...! I'll always have your back, so don't start getting suspicious around me because I'm no monster, I'm just a lost gallery-goer like you are! Wow, Ib, you're starting to snore in your sleep. Very cute! Little Ib must be very tired! Maybe just a little heads up for the both of us... NEVER GET TOO CURIOUS!!! Stay sweet Ib! :)

P.S. - Let this journey to go back to the real world adventure be our little secret. Oh, if you want to come find me, you know, talk about our lives and such, I'm currently residing at the apartment decorated with red bricks just across the gallery, it has graffiti marks near the stairs, I'm on the third floor, second door to the left from the stairs!

                                                                                                                           Lots of Love,


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