Chapter 7

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I finally had what I hoped was a solid lead on who took Kaz. We had finally narrowed it down to 1 girl and 4 guys. Tyra Shaw, Lane Knight, Blake Wright, Braydon Wright and Kyler Smith. All of them fit the small description that Kaz gave me and all of them were last seen in the next town over with what I assumed was eachother.

As soon as I had my guys I called my friend Cody.

"Sup Ty?"

"Hey Cody. Is your sister around?"

"Yeah she's right here why?"

"Would you mind bringing her over to mine for a bit? I need her to help me with something."

"yeah no problem be there in 10."

"Thanks bro."

I hung up with a smile on my face happy that we were finally getting somewhere with this. I really just wanted to get Kaz home where she was safe and then we could both just pretend this mever happened and things can go back to normal.

"Hey Ty Ty!"

"Hey cutie." I smiled as Codys sister Mila skipped in and hugged me.

"Hey man." Cody said as he flopped down on my bed.


"So whaddaya need Ty?" Mila asked.

I was about to reply but stopped. How the hell was I supposed to explain this? I couldn't exactly just ask her to try and track down 5 wanted criminals and expect her to not ask why.

"Um I need you to try and track down 5 people for me."

"Pft that's easy! I just need their names."

"Tyra Shaw, Lane Knight, Blake and Braydon Wright and Kyler Smith."

"Okie dokie...wait a minute...why the fuck are you looking for 5 wanted criminals!?!" She cried.

"Mila! Language!" Cody snapped.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

I tried not to laugh. Mila was only 13 but she really wanted to be just like her big brother and since they hung out together so much I guess she's probably pick up more than a few words from him.

"It's complicated Mila."

"No hacking into the govnerments protected files is complicated and I did that when I was 10 now spill."

Damn her.

"Ok so there's this girl Kaz."

"That wierd emo freak that you always pick on?" Cody asked.

"Yes." I replied through clenched teeth. I don't know why but when Cody called her a freak it really pissed me off.

"Anyway the other day she calls me outta no where and says she's been kidnapped and she's scared so for the past 3 days I've been trying to track her down and get her outta there."

"Why? I thought you hated her?"

"I do! But that doesn't mean I'm some heartless bastard!"

"Ok ok! Just a question calm your tits!"

"Both of you shut the hell up and listen!" Mila snapped.

We both shut it and focused on what she had to say.

"Ok So using my epic skills I found each of their phone numbers and I've tracked them to this location." she stated proudly as she pointed at the screen.

I stared at the screen wide eyed. How could I have missed that!?

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

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