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I lay there. Puddles of tears on my bed sheets. I'm too scared to go to sleep. I try my hardest until I keep on thinking about the things that happened in Vegas. Corbyn. Why does this boy keep coming into my head? Everything is happening at the same time. All of it.
I kept thinking about Corbyn until one thing I thought of, caught me. Corbyn, has been there for me all my life. Even if he is my ex, he's always there. He protected me so much. Even when we were together. He loves me so damn much. But everything is in the way. And everything is just a pawn. Jonah is the player. Why?!!! I just want to end everything. Everything.
I start to cry even more. A voice in my head is just telling me to end it. End everything. I start crying even more. I couldn't take it anymore. I rip my sheet off of me and I walk to my bathroom. I grab a razor and I look at myself in the mirror. A tear ran down my face and I blinked. I opened my eyes and there he was. Corbyn. I turn around and he wasn't there. No one was. I live alone.
I look at my wrist and then at the razor. Soon enough there was the red liquid dripping down my wrist. I start to cry even more until everything went dark. Everything. I couldn't hear or see anything.

Corbyn's POV

I watch Y/n run away from the house. I just stand there. Crying my ass off, everyone was there looking at me.
Ja: What are you gonna do?
Cor: I don't know.
Ja: I'll make Jonah get out.
Jack walks up starts and next thing you know, there's Jack yelling. Then Silence. Then a thud from upstairs. Oh no.
All of us run upstairs and see Jack with his fists clinched and the maddest face you could ever see. Jonah was on the floor with a bruise starting to form on his face.
Cor: Jack what the hell?!
Ja: He wouldn't get out. So he payed the price.
He turns his neck to crack it.
Bf: He is so sexy.
She was in the back.
Cor: Bf/n, I think you should go to New York and keep an eye out of Y/n.
Bf: Why?
Cor: So she won't do anything to harm herself and to make sure she's okay.
Bf: Wait, I'll stay the night tonight and the first thing in the morning I'll go.
Al: I'll go with her. I'm her best friend too.
Bf/n and Alissa nod at each other and then everyone leaves the room.
Jo: Fine.
Jonah starts to get up and heads toward his things. Jack stops him.
Ja: You won't have to carry those thing by yourself.
Jo: What do you mean?
Cor: Just leave.
Jonah glared at me and then he left the house.
Ja: Fire place?
Cor: Just what I was thinking.
I run downstairs while Jack grabbed all of Jonah's things. I run to the fire place and turned it on. Jack came downstairs with a bunch of things and threw it in there. The flame got brighter and all we did was throw his things in the fire all night.

The next morning.

Me and Jack woke up at the same time and we looked at the fire. It was out and there was a pile of burnt stuff in the logs.
Cor: That made my day.
Ja: Me too.
We hear footsteps on the stairs and there was Alissa and Bf/n.
Bf: Thank god your awake, I was gonna wake you up.
Bf/n kissed Jack on the lips.
Bf: I'm gonna miss you.
Al: Bye boys.
They leave the house and go to New York.

Bf/n's POV

Me and Alissa got on the plane and we got first class seats. Like always. I took a nap the whole flight and Alissa was on her phone the whole flight. So many hours later there was a ding and I got all my things. Me and Alissa got all of our stuff from the baggage claim. Then we headed off to Y/n's apartment. It was night time. Jack gave us her address. Me and Alissa drove to the apartment building and it was nice AF.
Me and Alissa rode the elevator to the 5th floor. Then we walked to 17th room. I knocked on the door. Nothing.
Al: I'll go ask for a key card.
Bf: Kay.
Alissa went downstairs and 5 minutes later she came back. She unlocked the door and we went in. We looked around the house and it was so nice. I look in her room and there was nothing. She wasn't in her bed.
Bf: Alissa come look at this.
Al: Coming!
She walked inside her room and nothing. Only water puddles. What?
I turn around and there was a light underneath the bathroom door. Y/n.
Bf: Alissa the bathroom door.
We run over there.
Al: Y/n?
Bf: Y/n?
Al: Dammit it's fucking locked.
Bf: I'm gonna have to break it open.
Al: No Bf/n, how about we call the cops and we have them take care of this.
Bf: Too late.
I had already grabbed a hammer to break the lock. It worked. Alissa went inside the bathroom and there Y/n was. On the bathroom floor blood dripping from her wrist and passed out.
Al: Y/n, you gotta wake Okay, this can't be some dumb prank.
I dial 911 and the ambulance came right away.
They took her. I need to tell Jack and Corbyn.

Corbyn's POV

Me and the guys were playing Fortnite until Jack got a call from Bf/n.
Ja: Hey babe. Yeah what happened. Oh my god.
He started tearing up.
Ja: Okay were on our way.
He hangs up and looks at me with tears.
Cor: What happened.
Ja: Y/n.
Cor: Oh no.
Ja: Daniel start looking for tickets for me and Corbyn to New York. Corbyn. We gotta go pack.
Me and Jack nod at each other and we go upstairs to pack. I pack my things and I go see Daniel.
Cor: The tickets?
Dan: I sent them to you and the flight is today at 6:30.
I look at the clock and it was 4:25.
Ja: I'm coming Damn!
He runs downstairs and we say bye to everyone. Then we go to the airport.
They scan our phones and Dani got us first class tickets. Thanks Dani.
We walk inside the tunnel and we take our seats. Me and Jack were next to each other.
Cor: I'm really worried about Y/n.
Ja: I know. Why would she do that?
Cor: I don't know?
Him and I look a nap and then hours later we got to New York.
Me and Jack run to the baggage claim, find out things quickly and get on a taxi that was there. It's weird, they don't have Uber's, they have Taxi's. Jack gives the address to the Taxi driver and then we got to the hospital. We ran with our things and we went to the front desk.
Ja: Y/n Avery. I'm here for Y/n Avery.
Front desk: And who are you to her.
Ja: I'm her brother.
Cor: And I'm her-um
I look at Jack. He gave me "it's okay" look.
Cor: I'm her boyfriend.
Front desk: Okay, well she's in room 157 north building.
Ja: Okay thank you.
We ran to the north building and we found Y/n's Room very quickly.
We open the door so quick and there she was. Y/n. My Y/n. Laying on the bed with an IV and so much blood dropped down her wrist.
I start crying so hard and Jack does the same. Me and him do the same things that we did when she tripped on Dani's skateboard.
I take her left and Jack takes her right. This all happened before. But I'm not dating her. She has to make that decision. She opens her eyes and that's when I lost it. I started crying even more. I look up at Jack and there he was crying even more.
Y/n: What am I doing here.
Al: Y/n. You tries to commit suicide.
She started crying.
Bf/n walked over to Jack and comforted him.
Y/n looked at me and I made a little smile at her. She smiled back and a tear dripped at the same time.

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