She smokes.
He smokes too.
She has Tattoos.
He has Tattoos too.
She drinks alcohol.
He drinks too.
She has piercings everywhere you can think of.
He has a few on him somewhere.
She has a dark, terrible and tortured past that would scare even fu...
❤️SCARLET POV❤️ As I look forward with my head held high, not a single emotion displayed on my face, I spot him in the distance waiting patently against his car, with a matching blank face to that of mine, not one emotion to be seen on his face.
The tiniest smile etches itself upon my lips. The closer I walk to him the smaller the building behind me gets, it's satisfying to me. My boots echo with each step I take.
As I approach him I give a slight nod of the head as per our usual greeting, as he returns the favor. He opens his arms wide and pulls me into a safe, caring and warm hug. I can't help but smile and hug him back tight and snuggle my face into his chest.
I've missed Axel, my older brother, in the time I spent in jail. Yes. I said it, jail. Very long story cut very, very short, I stole a shit ton of cash and shot quite a few people. With the money our parent's had left us with, he was able to bail me out after 2 and a half years.
My brother is quit use to all of this, for this was not my first time in jail. As to what lead me here is as of no concern...yet.
As we release from the hug I walk to the other side of the car, and hop into the passenger side and wait for my brother not bothering to put my seat belt on. As soon as Axel enters the car, he buckles up, looks at me, smirks and lets out a low deep chuckle and shakes his head and presses on the gas as we speed off back home.
The entire ride home was nothing but silence between us, the smallest noise emits from the radio and the humming sound of the engine is all that is heard within this car. This is normal for us. we both grew silent after a certain point in our lives. we love and cherish each other and value each other like brothers and sisters should. Our bond is one of curiosity and mystery for the outsiders who have not yet known about our past events that have caused us to become the way we are now.
We have very few and selected friends that have been by our sides since that of day one. Those are the ones that have stuck by us through the thick and thin, through the good and the bad, the rough and the smooth. Those were the ones who, even after seeing or hearing about our past, shared our pain and continued to remain by our sides to protect and cherish us like our 2nd family.
We were far from perfect. We couldn't be any further away from having that of a normal life growing up. We once use to envy those of the others kids who were care free and happy and oblivious to that of the dark and dangerous world around them, we use to crave for that, to have the life they did. But we came to the understanding that what had happened was for the betterment of our development as kids. We learnt the truth far quicker then those of the other kids and so that resulted in us growing up and maturing way faster then the others.
My thoughts of the past were shattered by my very brother poking my cheek with his index finger and tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. I shake my head and let a quick, rather deep giggle, escape my lips and I shake my head as a way to inform him that I was fine and it was of no concern to him. He simply nodded his head once as to show he understood. With us, we had learned not to poke and intrude into each other's problems and just leave it be unless it was an absolute dire emergency, then at that point nothing and no one could stop us from helping the other. This was simply just how it was.
I shake my head once more as to clear my head of the thoughts that were jumping around in my mind. I shifted ever so slightly in my seat and opened the car door and stepped out slowly. once on my feet I stretched my arms above me and a moan and sigh escaped my lips as I could feel my muscles pulling and relaxing while also hearing the satisfying pop and crack of some of my joints . I looked up to the familiar outline and details of my house, yet again the tiniest of smiles plastered itself upon my lips and I followed behind Axel into the house. It was rare for Axel or I to give a full blown genuine smile. Only those close to us have seen it and we haven't fully smiled in years, if we had it was always forced of fake, never ever was it real.
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Their house pictured above! 👆🏻
As I entered the house, I maneuver around the house gracefully remembering every nook and cranny, every corridor, every detail. My feet and body were aching and begging me to retreat into the room I always felt most safe in, my bedroom. And so with a quick text to Axel on my phone telling him that I would be heading to my room, I quickly redirected myself up the stairs and to the direction of my room.
Upon coming face to face with my familiar burgundy colored wood door, I reached down and wrapped my warm hand around the cool metal door knob and twisted it ever so slowly. the door slowly opened with a slow creek from the worn down hinges, I came face to face with my old, simple black bedroom.
a ghost of a smile hastily forms on my lips but vanishes as soon as it had formed. I was never agirly girl, no I was far from it. the exact opposite. As a light sigh passes through my lips, I walk to my closet and pull out some short, ripped navy blue ripped jeans, and a plain, V-neck black T-shirt with the Alan walker symbol on the front in a turquoise color. I exited after quickly changing.
I made my way back inside of my room and stopped right in the center, I reached up onto the balls of my feet (just below average height) And pulled down on the string attached to my attic door.
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Secret attic room shown here 👆🏻
Once open the folded ladder attached extended so that I could climb up. I slowly wrapped my small hands around each wrung and made sure I had a firm grip with my feet. Upon finally climbing the ladder I was greeted with the familiar sight of my secret getaway attic room.
Not bothering to close the attic door behind me, I walked the short distance over to my swing chair and I grabbed a book from the small table next to my couch, I turned around grabbed a blanket from the stack in my wire bucket and made myself comfortable in the chair.
I placed the blanket neatly so that it covered the majority of my body and I opened up my book 'JAWS' a classic but a goody for sure. My eyes traveled down and across the page, my eyes never once tearing away from the page, fully engrossed in the book taking in each written word on this small and delicate page.
I had no idea how long I had been reading for but before I knew my eyelids had grown heavy and were slowly closing. A long and deep yawn had slipped through my lips and before I knew it my breaths had evened out and darkness was slowly consuming my sight.
My final thoughts before drifting off to, perhaps, a dreamless sleep with the tiniest smile playing on my lips was: it really is good to be home.