Eyes from the shadows

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❤️Scarlet's POV❤️
As I slowly made my way back into the building I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to what had just happened. Those boys, they didn't scream the vibe of murderous bad boys but they didn't scream the vibe of player, school fight bad boys either. One of them I know for a fact wasn't the second vibe.

As I slowly made my way to class I couldn't help but to feel eyes watching me. Having experience with this kind of thing, I kept on walking to class but kept on high alert. As I'm about 3 doors down from my class, I see it. Silver eyes that seem to burn through me. I stop for a mere second, but before I had the chance for a proper look, the person bolted.

I stare for only a moment longer at the place I saw the burning silver eyes before I heaved a heavy sigh and continued my short walk to class. Reaching the door that held my death, I noticed how empty the halls were and immediately knew I was beyond late. Placing a blank resting face to mask all my emotions I simply kicked the door open with my foot and slowly stride into the class, feeling all eyes turn to take in my appearance.

The teacher stops to glare and lecture me but the moment they drink in my appearance with their eyes, he quickly turns a blind eye and continues to scribble on the board. I turn to look at the now awe struck class, but as my eyes meet their faces they all turn to look away in a flash, scared of the outcome that may have happened had they continued to stare.

I take my time strolling to the back of the class, I place myself in the back right corner where it's darkest and simply rest my chin in the palm of my lightly tanned skin. Even as I tried to tune out the ever boring class, I couldn't help but to take notice how every now and then a student would look at me from the corner of their eye and then whisper to their friend(s) in their quietest tone, afraid of me hearing the bullshit they spout out.

All too soon I feel someone approach my area and stand at the end of my table waiting for me to take notice of their presence. Simply glancing at them from the corner of my eye I notice it was a star player of the schools football team given he was hearing the football teams jacket, and might I add probably the schools biggest fucking man whore.

"Can I help you? Or are you just planning to stand at the end of my table like some sort of creepy pedophile." I mumble out in a bored tone not even bothering to give him a second look.

"I wanna know who the fuck you think you are to just walk in here like you own the whole god damn school and have everybody fear you!?" He shouts catching everybody's attention as he slams his fist hard against my desk. clearly he had been uneducated in the area of work I was associated in to not realize why people fear me.

Without missing a single beat I stand up, whilst reaching for my gun and whipping it out, making my chair fall back in a loud clatter as I point the end of the barrel at his forehead.

"Star football player or not, try that shit again and the only thing going in that empty head of yours is this bullet. So go on brutes, try me, I. Fucking. Dare. You." I keep both my face and tone calm with my hand help tightly around my gun holding it steadily aimed at his forehead with my index finger itching and ready to pull the trigger, the nickname falling off my tongue as clearly this boy had more brute force and muscle then he did brains. 

In an instant I see the pure fear that I love so much, shine through in his eyes as he tries to play it cool and calm by fixing himself and walking back over to his friends as I wait till he's seated once more before I calmly place the gun back in its original holding place before picking my chair back up and placing myself in the previous position I was in.

From then on not a single student dared to glance my away let alone let a single whisper escape their mouths that contained my name. It was clear to everybody, every teacher, every student, in this school that both my brother and I were lethal, deadly, dangerous. They were all well aware of the fact that we didn't trust anybody, that it was as clear as day friends just weren't in our vocabularies. But now that I think about my brother, I didn't see him pull up in my car after me. after thinking about it for only a few minutes more, I simply just decide to shrug it off mentally. he's close to being 25 for god's sakes, he can handle himself, especially with what he does for work. 

We isolated ourselves from the people that surrounded us in the very place they call "school" and just people in general. I still believe school is just a cruel way of taking away our freedom for hours in our day to learn random stuff, to which half of it won't ever need to be used unless we desire to place ourselves in a job industry that requires that specific skill. Ever since Axel and I were old enough to comprehend what the hell was going on around us, we were taught the way of the world, some good, some bad. And all of that has shaped us into the beings we are now. And yeah I won't lie, sometimes that just takes the shit out of everyday life.

I shake my head wanting to dismiss those heavy thoughts away as I pull out my own personal sketch book and start to sketch a design for my next tattoo (image at the start). By the time that I finished my sketch, details and all, the overhead bell had started to ring dismissing us from math class. Huffing a quick sigh from between my lips I start to pack up and slowly head out to my next class.

Time skip

The rest of my classes had pretty much turned out the same as my first. Gossiping students, scared teachers and Boring classes. But every time I would walk down the halls between classes, I always saw those same burning silver eyes watching me from the shadows. As mysterious as they were, they held a sense of familiarity to them.

As my thoughts started to steer away from those moments and clear my head I had found myself standing at the side of my motorbike. Taking my sweet time to place my bag under my seat, I slowly start to place on my gloves. I swing my legs dramatically over my seat and as I'm about to place the helmet over me, I catch the eyes of Ace and the 2 other boys.

I noticed that their leader in particular was watching me with a certain intensity to them, where as their joker just watched in amusement. Ace gave me the look I knew all to well, I gave him a subtle nod before hiding my face under the helmet, flipping down the tinted visor and tearing away from that place to head home.

As I pull up to my long driveway and park my bike, I notice Axel's car already parked. Not thinking anything of it I head inside. But as I'm opening the door I see that Axel is calmly rushing around the house in a suit gathering all sorts of items. He stops mid walk once he sees me standing in our doorway.

"Hurry up and get dressed. The dress and accessories are already laid out on your bed. We have a gang's ball we need to attend." He simply states as he starts to fix his appearance and finish gathering all items.

Already knowing why we were attending I give him a nod and walk up to my room and prepare myself for the ball. Normally Axel and I would have no intention of attending such a meaningless ball, such things didn't interest us nor did it benefit us, but seeing as how he was going to attend this time, it seems there was something for us to gain from it all.

The only reasons we would ever attend such a thing is for 2 reasons only. Reason 1) we do run the biggest, cruelest and wealthiest gang in the world, as we don't just handle, meddle and dabble in drugs, we do extend our resources to beyond that. Reason 2) we attend in hopes to strike an alliance with a trustworthy gang who is of high status like us.

Whatever the reason for us attending this ball, it was serious, meaning I had to do what I always do, be the eye candy for men and the killer dealer for potential allies. This was going to be a very long night.

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