She smokes.
He smokes too.
She has Tattoos.
He has Tattoos too.
She drinks alcohol.
He drinks too.
She has piercings everywhere you can think of.
He has a few on him somewhere.
She has a dark, terrible and tortured past that would scare even fu...
❤️Scarlet's POV❤️ As I was awakening from my slumber, the sunlight beamed down on me brightly from the window above me. I cringed as I tried to fully open my eyes, after a few more attempts, I was able to fully open my eyes and adjust my vision clearly.
I yawned and stretched my legs and arms feeling the familiar satisfying feeling of my muscles pulling and stretching slightly. After doing a few lunges and twists, I made my way down the ladder, closing the attic door I directed myself towards my walk in wardrobe to decide upon my outfit for the day.
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Pic of her wardrobe, outfit and shin high converses Above 👆🏻
Upon searching through my endless amount of black, white, red and grey clothing I was finally able to pick out the perfect outfit.
I picked a cropped strapless tank top that had been adjusted so the bottom was very short and the sleeves had been entirely cut off. I paired this with some black puffed army styled pants, and a fishnet styled cardigan that clips just above my top. Paired with some black timberland styled shoes I finally topped off my outfit my signature black leather jacket. Not being too bothered with styling my very short hair, I simply finger combed it whilst simultaneously ruffling it and left it at that.
Feeling happy and satisfied with my choice of clothes, I walked out of my room and walked down the corridor and down the marble spiral staircase. After reaching the bottom I headed straight towards the kitchen, upon seeing Axel sitting on one of the black leather stools, we did our normal greeting and I opened up the fridge. I pulled out a green apple and headed towards the garage with Axel following close behind me.
I swung open the door leading to the garage with some force and headed towards my dark (almost midnight) blue motorbike, my pride and joy. I grabbed the tinted helmet hanging on one of the handles and places it neatly over the top of my head. I swung one leg over the bike and got comfortable. I threw away the apple, that i had only taken a few bites out of, in the near by bin and tossed the keys to my dark cherry red LAFerrari towards Axel, to which he was able to catch single-handedly with ease.
I revved the engine to life, hearing the familiar sound of roar and the slight feeling of the vibrations. I slowly backed out of the garage, not even sparing Axel a glance knowing full well that he wasn't far behind, and I roared down the street towards the one place I constantly dreaded heading to. School. Ugh even the name makes me wanna die.
After running multiple red lights and going way over the speed limits, I reached the gates of the school and I revved the engine once more loudly before going in and finding a parking spot right dead set in the front of the school. I took a few minutes to take in my surroundings, every single head and pair of eyes were looking in my direction.
I subconsciously nodded my head, smirking outwardly. I carefully and slowly took of my tinted black helmet and did one of the most cliches hair ruffles ever. Gasps could be heard echoing all over the front yard and the whispers and chatter had begun immediately. I gracefully removed myself from my bike and leaned against it, pulling out a cigarette. As I was about to light it I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Who ever touched me had better have a good reason or their gonna wish they were dead when I'm done with them. I thought murderously.
I turned around with a menacing scowl etched onto my face ready to give this Douche bag hell.
🖤Xander POV🖤 I woke up with the sunlight beaming through my window. I groaned and slowly sat up on my kind sized bed. I lazily pulled the blankets off me and walked towards my wardrobe. I pulled out the first set clothes I could grab. Placing them on my tattooed body, I ruffled my hear and made my way towards my garage that held my baby.
I opened up the garage and there sat my baby. My Audi R8 with a matte black finish.
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Car above 🔝 I smirked and hopped into my car and sped of towards hell. And by that I mean school.
After speeding past multiple red lights and going way over many speed limits, I was met by the same old boring school gates that connect to school's parking lot.
I was looking for my parking spot only to see a girl leaning against her bike in my exact spot. I had two emotions within me at this very moment in time. Amusement and anger. This girl obviously had balls or was stupid, thus sparking my amusement within but at the same time I was angry because she took my spot. So I parked my car right in the middle of the road, got out of the car, ignoring the cars beeping at me and their owners spouting out some unkind words, and made my way towards this ballsy girl.
As I approached her, I could see the multiple loitering students out front staring directly at her and whispering to one another avoiding her stare completely. Which puzzled me immensely. What the Fuck is with this chick?
I tapped her shoulder once to get her attention, she took a few seconds to look back at me and I was met with a menacing scowl etched onto her lightly tanned face. I flinched a little at her look and she gave off a very slight smirk.
She crossed her arms over and shifted her weight onto one of her legs waiting for me to speak my mind about what business I had with her.
I cleared my throat and glared at her, which she didn't even flinch at resulting in me providing a shocked look on my face.
"Look I don't know who the Fuck you think you are princess but this very spot you're parked in belongs to me, so if you don't mind I'd love it if you could move your ca-" I look behind her to see a bike, not a car, which I had seemed to have skipped over when I caught her parked in my spot.
"-I mean bike." I corrected myself. She looked me up and down, seeming as if she was deciding as to whether to move or not. When she met my eyes once more, she spoke her mind.
"Look buddy I'm obviously new here, but I can clearly see this spot isn't your's due to the fact that I can't see your name inscribed into the pavement. So no I will not be moving and if you have a fucking problem with that then you can shove it where the sun don't shine." With that being said she walked away leaving me beyond speechless. As I continued to watch her fleeting back march towards the entrance of the school, I took notice of how the other students were making way for her, all of them having fear laced on their faces and in their eyes.
As I slowly backed up and walked back towards my car I couldn't help but wonder: Who the Fuck is this chick!?