Ch 1 - Class 3-5

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~Nagisa's P.O.V~

I walked down the school halls, searching for class 3-5. All the teachers have warned me about them and have told me to quit right away. Like I'm going to do that. After finishing High School, I became a top notch Assassin called 'The Blue Snake'. Do you really think I'm going l back down from delinquent high schoolers? I finally reach the room and reach out my hand to open the door. I opened it, but jump back, just in time to see black paint fall down.

"Dammit! You missed!"
"How was I suppose to know they'd see it?"
"They didn't even look up. So how did they know?"
"Beats me."
"Next time, I'm setting it up."
"Go right ahead."

With a sigh, I walked into the room and straight over to the front desk. I turned to the class with a smile on my face as I opened role call.

"Before I start, who set up that little trap?" I asked.

The room went silent.

"Next time, try making it not so obvious." I said.

The students just stared at me in shock and confusion. I just ignored their looks and took out a pen.

"Rai Asami." "Here." "Saki Baiko." "Here." "Suga Chima." "Here." "Taguchi Gonkuro." "Here." "Konya Hideaki." "Here." "Yamaji Hidetora." "Here." "Shirai Hisa." "Here." "Oka Iako." "Here." "Kano Ikoi." "Here." "Haruno Kit." "Here." "Tsukino Mami." "Here." "Yamada Murai." "Here." "Kozue Momoru." "Here." "Izumi Naora." "Here." "Kabuto Raidon." "Here." "Machi Toyokazu." "Here." "Asahi Yori." "Here." "And Kazato Yori." "Here."

"Great. Everyone's here." I finished marking the role and was about to say something when a object was thrown.

I moved my head to the side, hearing it jab into the blackboard. I turned my head round, seeing a pocket knife. I took it out of the board, folded it up and placed it on my desk.

"Just so you know, Haruno," I started, causing the students to silently gasp at the fact I knew who threw the knife. "The first strike isn't always going to hit your target. Also, you can collect your knife at the end of school. Till then, it stays with me."

"Y-you're not going to give me detention?" Haruno asked.

"Why would I? I have one last thing to say before I start this lesson. Before graduation, I want you to kill me."

"Kill you?!" The class exclaimed.

"Pretend kill me. If you can get a solid hit on me, you'll graduate." I explained.

I handed them all the rubber knives I used in middle school.

"What're these for? They're useless." Yamada said, bending the green knife.

"They're for practise. I mean, you are going to try to kill me. So, we're using these knives. I'll be teaching you assassination." I said.

"Assassination?" The class questioned.

"Yes. We'll be starting during P.E."

The Assassin Teacher NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now