Ch 2 - Assassination Game

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~Third Person~

Nagisa started the lesson, stopping time to time as Asahi kept shooting her pistol and hiding it so Nagisa wouldn't take it. Also, two more knives were thrown, and everyone kept getting distracted. Finally, it was lunch time. Some students flipped their tables over as they jumped up and left the room in haste. As everyone left the room, Nagisa heaved out a large sigh. He set the tables right before heading out to the teachers lounge. He entered and sat down, resting his head on his hand.

"Excuse me, Mr. Shiota," a teacher, Mr. Yagame, walked over to Nagisa and sat down beside him. "I feel you should quit before something happens to you. The last few teachers ended up in the hospital. You seem to be a good guy. I don't want that to happen to you."

"Mr. Yagame. You don't have to worry. I'll be fine." Nagisa smiled at the teacher.

"Are you sure? They may seem harmless on the outside, but, they're deadly on the inside. They will attack you, no questions asked." Mr Yagame said.

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

At that, Nagisa's phone started ringing. He excused himself and took out his phone, heading outside the room. It was Karasuma.


"Hello Nagisa. Been awhile, hasn't it."

"It has. But, that's not why you called, is it?"

"No. We have new sightings on the suspect. He's headed towards your mansion."

"Hmm... this isn't good. Neither I nor Karma are there right now. I don't think the others will cope well if they just suddenly barge in."

"Exactly. We've set up guards around the place. Itona is working on the security system as we speak. It would be hard for them to enter."


"But, the suspect may decide to lay low, out of our sights for awhile. They're smarter than they look. I've already contacted Red Devil. As soon as he's finished up work, he'll head right over. If you're not there, he'll take action himself."

"The school is around 30 minutes away. But, if I take a shortcut, it cuts down to 20. Karma should get back between 15-25 minutes. Even 10 if he is quick enough. He'll most likely get there first and start searching. If he finds them, well, things won't go so well. Someone else will need to be there with him to home him back. Maybe Nakamura?"

"Hmm... that's is true. I'll see if I can get in contact with Rio. She works at a different agency. She might not agree to help."

"I'm sure she will. She and Karma work well together. She'll be a great help. Besides that, I'm not sure."

"Thanks for the help anyways. Just, try to get there as soon as possible. I'll relay you any new information we gather. That's all. Goodbye."

"Thanks. Goodbye."

Nagisa hung up and headed back inside with a sigh. He sat down and grabbed out his bento, eating it along with his fellow teachers. After a few more minutes, the bell rung. Class 3-5 had P.E. which was perfect for Nagisa. He left and headed over to the classroom. Everyone entered and sat down lazily.

"Alright class. Grab your knives as we'll be starting our lesson." Nagisa said.

Everyone did just that and left the classroom, swinging their knives round. A few such as Kano, Taguchi, Yamada and Oka kept trying to hit Nagisa. Of course, he kept dodging and blocking all the way down to the field.

"Now then. Pick a partner and spar. I'll be coming round, giving you all tips on your stances, techniques and skills."

Everyone got a partner and got in stance.

"Let's start!"

The Assassin Teacher NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now