Ch 6 - Heading to the Mountains

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~ Third Person ~

Nagisa clapped his hands together to gain his students attention as he walked into the classroom. "Alright class. I've come up with a plan for today," the class groaned at that, slumping back into their seats. "Now, now. Calm down. If you'd all listen to me for a minute. I've decided that we'd go to the mountains for training!" At that, the class suddenly perked up. They started to murmur amongst themselves, excited whispers filling the air.

Rai stood up with a hand raised into the air. "Are we really going to the mountains?!" She asked, barely contained excitement bubbling in her voice as she bounced on her toes.

Nagisa nodded, placing his roll down on the desk after checking everyone off. "Yep. There's a bus stationed just outside waiting for us. So just grab your bags and start to head do-" he couldn't even finish speaking as the class raced out, cheering and whooping in delight. With a resigned sigh, Nagisa grabbed the bag he had brought with him and followed after them, their ruckus echoing back to him. 'I did sign up for this. I just gotta hope it all goes well.'

Stepping outside, he witnessed all his students trying to cram into the yellow bus. The poor bus driver sat in his seat looking terrified as he tried to shrink down. "Let go of me Asahi!" "Konya! Fuck off!" "You're not going anywhere Kano!" "Shit! Yamaji, that was my shin!" "Sorry!" "Why you Tsukino! I'm not letting you go anywhere!" "Oh no you don't Oka!" "Get back here Kozue!" "Leave me alone Machi! I'm going first!" "Oh hell no you aren't Saki!"

Sending the poor driver a sympathetic look, Nagisa coughed into his hand as he stopped right behind the struggling students. "Calm down, please. The bus trip will be short. There's no need to fight for seats."

"Shut it teach!" Shirai snapped, grabbing onto Izumi's hair and pulling it harshly.

She screeched out in pain and thrust her hands out, clawing Kazato's face. He shook his head back, colliding with Yamaji's head instead. Falling backwards, he fell back into Suga who fell into Yamada. The domino effect continued until they were all flailing on the ground, groaning in pain and insulting each other.

Sweat dropping, Nagisa stepped up to them and peered down. "Are you all done now?" He asked, and the students slowly nodded. "Good. Now please file into the bus orderly." He backed up as the students slowly started to stand up. They entered the bus and took their seats in a calm, or as calm as they could get, manner. Nagisa was the last on, saying a quick "sorry about that" to the driver as he sat down.

But as soon as the bus started up, everyone started bickering and fighting amongst each other. Nagisa just felt his shoulders sag as he leaned back, letting his students argue and let out all their frustrations before they reach the mountains. To pass the time, Nagisa pulled out his phone and started to text Karma, smiling and silently laughing to himself as he read his significant other's snarky replies.

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