Chapter 7

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Sherlock and Irene had an amazing day at the zoo. For the first time in years she was completely happy.

But then again...

Sherlock had behaved weird at times. She had no idea what was going on with him. But she would find out soon enough.

She giggled as Sherlock lifted her up bridal style and carried her to the bedroom. He laughed. "You're getting heavy. I'm glad you are eating again." She pouted playfully. "Are you calling me fat?" He grinned. "Oh yes... Fattie." She gasped and pinned him to the bed, kissing him deeply. "Take that back!" He shook his head, chuckling. "Never!" She sighed and nuzzled into him. "I forgive you anyway." She kissed his neck and closed her eyes. He sighed contently and both soon drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later, Irene woke up again. She looked at her watch. 3:56. She sighed and got up, walking off to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She frowned as she saw something under the kitchen table. Why hadn't she noticed it before? She picked up the piece of paper and realised it was a letter to Sherlock.

She knew she shouldn't do this, but she started reading.

'Mr Holmes, the results of your tests have arrived. We are sorry, but you are positive.'

Irene paled. Positive? Positive of what? She let her gaze scan the letter.

'We recommend a chemo as soon as possible, Mr Holmes. Yours sincerely, Hendrick's Cancer Hospital.'

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