Your level 100!

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Rad yawnedand smacked his lips. Just then, K.O. eagarly walked up to him and said,

" Rad! Hup! I finished washing the floor just like you told me to! [Shows a very clean floor] “Poifect,” huh?"

Rad smirked. "I’ll be the judge of that."

Colewort walks by drinking a beverage and Rad grabs him and throws him like a bowling ball.

"Oh." Colewort slides to the fridge and Enid gives a thumbs down.

 "Nah, still not slick enough. Colewort should have crashed straight through that wall." Rad told K.O.

"Aw, poop." K.O. pouted.

"C’mon K.O., [Rad pokes K.O.’s hair] you gotta keep your head in the game! I could give you some tips if you want."

"No! A hero doesn’t need help! I have to do it… on my own.:

Rad smiled. "Ha, okay, lone wolf, but you’ve got a lot more floors to mop before you come close to being a hero."

"Maybe I already am a hero! I’ve been doing heroic stuff all week! Maybe I finally have a pow card!"

Y/n and Enid come in carrying Colewort. Y/n grinned. "You know what, maybe you do, K.O.! You might even be a level one. You should check the pow card machi—"

K.O. zooms to the Pow Card Machine. "Ohh… Getting a pow card is the first major milestone on a hero’s path to greatness. With my very own card, I’ll be joining the ranks of my idols. Today could truly be the beginning of my heroic journey! Please, please, please, please let me have one! [Gets a coin from his pocket] Heh heh! [Inserts a coin in the coin slot and pushes a button labelled “SELF”]

The Pow Card Machine beeped. "Retina scan for identification commencing. [Scans K.O.’s eyes] Scan complete. Searching hero database. Hero found — K.O. [K.O. laughs] Printing. Printing. Error! Error!"

" No!"

"Don’t worry." Rad said. " I’ll show you an old trick. All right, tuck in your arm real tight. Now clench your butt. Reel back and, give it a good — [Smacks the machine] smack!"

Pow Card Machine continued to beep. "Printing continued."

Rad grinned at his trick. "Hehehe."

K.O. grabs his Pow Card and sees a 100 on it.

He was dumbfounded. "I’m… I’m level 100?"

Rad spit out his drink.  "Did you say you’re level 100?"

Everyone in the plaza seemed to hear.

" Level 100?"



Enid walked up to K.O. "Are you serious K.O.?"

"A level 100? No way!"

K.O. was a bit confused, but happy. "Uh, yes way?"

People gathered around K.O. "All right then, prove it! Show us your pow card."

Everyone gasps, after K.O. shows his Pow Card.

(Brandon) "That’s like, a way higher level than anyone else in the plaza!"

(A Real Magic Skeleton) "You’re even more powerful than Gar!"

K.O. felt proud. "Yeah, you’re right! I’m more powerful than, well, everybody!"

(Red Action) "Pretty sick, dude."

Y/n smiled sincerly at K.O. with pink petals are surrounding her. "I always knew you’d do great things, kid. [Gives a small punch to K.O.] I’m so proud of you, K.O."

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