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seungmin wrote notes.
notes that were hard to decipher.
notes that could take hours, days, even weeks.
but the notes were always to someone.

at the start seungmin wrote simple notes, all in his language, all normal, all to his family and friends.
but then he learnt other ways to write them, make them complicated and painful to figure out.
he started writing them to other people, people who wouldn't figure them out.
if they did, he'd be screwed.

seungmin writes all his notes in his diary, then translates them into the new complicated format and sends them off.
his best friend, jisung, was actually quite shocked when seungmin did start delivering the notes.
you see, seungmin was a decently shy boy who barely had the ability to stand in front of the class and deliver a speech, so when seungmin gave his crushes the notes, to their face, jisung was shocked, impressed nonetheless.

seungmin wrote many notes and handed them off to the boys he liked, each coming to him with confusion and frustration written on their face the next day, having spent the entire night trying to figure the note out, seungmin knew they wouldn't, that's why he handed them to them so boldly instead of just putting them in their mailboxes like a secret admirer would.
sure, they'd probably figure out that the red-head liked them one day, but that time would be ages away.


every note was labeled by a word. although the boys could not figure out the word, it did not matter. each word was something special to him, something he loved about each boy.

for example, his last note he gave to his first crush, it said "smile" although it was in numbers, just like the rest of the note. of course the numbers didn't represent the alphabet in the typical way as in 1 equals a, but as in 1 equals the first letter of your name.

the note before that he gave to his second crush, it said "moles", it was backwards and upside down.

his letters were confusing and he knew that.
some less confusing then others but confusing nonetheless.

so yes, i have decided to write something. cool cool.
i currently have another chapter (and book) in the works and they won't take too long so yeah.

i'll probably update decently regularly.

if you have any questions just comment them!

okay i gotta go binge watch steven universe!


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