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it was the first few days of spring when he fell in love with the first boy; jeongin.

at first he thought it was just the love all of them shared for the boy.
jeongin was the youngest out of his friend group, therefore ended up with a lot of love.

it took a couple of diary entries to realise he was in love with the boy.

the first entry was about how the two of them went to the park on a saturday evening.

the day wasn't magical nor terrible, just a normal day if anything. he met up with jeongin in a cafe, the one around the corner from the park. they ordered hot chocolates as neither liked the taste or smell of coffee, jeongin made sure to ask for more marshmallows in his, seungmin told him he'd end up killing himself with the amount of sugar he inhales, but also ended up asking for more. once they got their hot chocolates they found a place to sit, at the top level right in the corner, jeongin mentioned how it was strange for a cafe to have another level which seungmin agreed to.
once they finished they put their coats on and paid the cashier, leaving to go to their original destination; the flower shop. he had to admit that the flower shop was a strange one, not the typical flowers such as roses and daises, actually, there were barely any flowers, their logo was a venus fly trap, amongst other things.
to get to the flower shop they had to pass through the park, this caused them to not end up anywhere near the flower shop. you see, they spotted the playground and they could be very childish at times and this was one of them.

"last one to the swings is a rotten egg!" jeongin yelled out. as jeongin beat seungmin to the swings (seungmin says it just because the boy had a head start) the taller boy yelled out "if i'm the rotten egg then you're the mouldy toast!" and ran off to the slide.
this went on for about an hour, them realising it was 5:30pm stopped it.

they sat down on the grass that was damp due to the mildew of spring. the yelling of other kids drowned out by their exhaustion, "hyung?" "yes innie?" "why are you so slow?"

he believes that might have been the starting point for his love.

second chapter is up!

yep i got nothing to say.

okay bye!

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