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the second entry seungmin had for jeongin was the day at the beach. it was still spring but summer was rapidly approaching.

it was a thursday morning when chan asked if seungmin and jeongin wanted to go to the beach with him and woojin, he said the weather was going to be hot and they've run out of zooper doopers.
jeongin immediately agreed, he said he was already melting due to the heat.


the beach wasn't anything spectacular, it wasn't even that great. there were people sunbaking under umbrellas, which seungmin voiced his confusion as to why the umbrellas completely disregarded the point.

seungmin knew that on the far left side of the beach there were hills of dried seaweed that dogs would roll in due to the smell. on the far right side of the beach there was an amusement park, small but surprisingly had a lot of rides.

seungmin could see a Mr Whippy parked slightly off in the distance and immediately started pulling the three other boys in that direction.
woojin decided to go plain, a single vanilla whirl with chocolate topping that dried before he could even bring it to his mouth. chan went with nuts and a flake, not too flashy but not too boring (in his humble opinion). seungmin had to get a double sherbet flake, the only reasonable option he said, might not be the most "out there" choice but he genuinely enjoys it, jeongin on the other hand tried to convince them that a double chocolate dipped ice-cream with sherbet, sprinkles, nuts AND a flake was the only correct thing to go with, chan immediately argued that it's not even on the list, jeongin still ended up with his complex monstrosity.

they found a spot to put their towels and bags down. laying the towels down and successfully not getting any sand on it was near impossible but they somehow succeeded, partially... and by "partially" i mean complete failure. sand was everywhere, literally, it was a beach.
jeongin was already running towards the water when they got as much sand off the towels as they could, screaming something about eggs. seungmin ran after him, deciding that he's done enough "responsible" for the day and he could leave that task with the eldests, even though he knew they'd be following suit very soon.

when seungmin got to the shore, jeongin was nowhere to be found. he looked around, finding no sign of him on the beach nor in the ocean, so he walked along where the sand and water met, until a hand grabbed his ankle. he wouldn't admit it, but he was a very high pitch screamer, in his defence: if something grabs his ankle at the beach he's going to think it's a shark, if it's on the sand he's going to think it's a super advanced jellyfish. turns out it was just jeongin playing a prank, seungmin made sure to get him back by whacking him with some seaweed.

after their little, "beach plant fight" as jeongin called it, they decided that building a sandcastle would be a good idea. they didn't have any buckets or anything so they knew it would be somewhat of a flop. the process of making the decorative pile of sand went some like this: they had to run to scoop up water and bring it back to put on their "sand castle" before it would leak out of their hands, they found the biggest and weirdest shells they could and plopped them on the castle in a somewhat organised mess, they got piles of seaweed and put it around the bottom of the castle and around the moat they carved in, they found crabs and other sea creatures and claimed that this was their new home.
by the end of it all they had a pile of decorative sand that was so tall it reached seungmin's knees.

woojin and chan decided to leave after an hour saying that it was even too hot for the beach. seungmin and jeongin on the other hand stayed for hours, till the sun decided to dip beneath the ocean and away from peeking eyes. it was still warm when they left, even though it was as dark as coal. they took the train back (chan taking the car didn't leave them another option), jeongin ended up falling asleep on the elder's shoulder after battling to keep his eyelids open. seungmin didn't mind, it just meant he had to keep awake himself.

yikes. sorry i haven't updated in like three weeks.
you see, even though i live in australia and have about four different beaches that i can walk down the street to, i know absolutely nothing about what people do at them. i simply don't like the ocean.
plus i also got stuck at a single word and couldn't move on (so thank you to my good friend riversslave for remembering that shore was a word).

but yes, to make up for the lack of update i made it somewhat longer. like 300 words longer.

anywho, i'll make sure to actually post the next chapter soon. and i mean that.

(after rereading this, my childish ass realised that i wrote chan's ice cream as "nuts and a flake" and if that isn't a sexual innuendo i don't know what is. i'm currently laughing my ass off because of it.)

(i had this ready to post two days ago but i didn't have wifi rip)

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