Tuesday June, 2014
There is so much history, so many unknown secrets. I really just want to tear down these walls to uncover everything. This house has showed me so much of the past and present of Jully. But I know there is more to it.
I was thinking back to the other day, when I was researching Ger Lane. About the murder that occurred in this house, I wonder if they ever caught the murderer. I feel like an investigator. Researching all of the history, and gaining another part of the jigsaw puzzle.
Maybe I should take a day off from my double life. I mean, I really should be researching for my history assignment, which is kinda due next week, and I haven't even started. But, I usually get all of my assignments done and dusted by due date, so I am not stressing.
I think I feel a cold coming on. I have been sneezing all night, and my nose is starting to run as I am writing. I really hate colds, and I don't think that dad will let me have anymore time off school, as I had the rest of last week off to help him with the house. Well, I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Secrets of Ger Lane
ParanormalSecrets of Ger Lane will leave you wanting more, with its out of the blue plot twists and pending ideas. Secrets of Ger Lane is about a boy, who meets a very unusual friend. But, is it really the friend that is unusual? Or is it really the house. Yo...