My double life

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Tuesday June, 2014

There is so much history, so many unknown secrets. I really just want to tear down these walls to uncover everything. This house has showed me so much of the past and present of Jully. But I know there is more to it.

I was thinking back to the other day, when I was researching Ger Lane. About the murder that occurred in this house, I wonder if they ever caught the murderer. I feel like an investigator. Researching all of the history, and gaining another part of the jigsaw puzzle.

Maybe I should take a day off from my double life. I mean, I really should be researching for my history assignment, which is kinda due next week, and I haven't even started. But, I usually get all of my assignments done and dusted by due date, so I am not stressing.

I think I feel a cold coming on. I have been sneezing all night, and my nose is starting to run as I am writing. I really hate colds, and I don't think that dad will let me have anymore time off school, as I had the rest of last week off to help him with the house. Well, I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

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