The Signs on Yahoo Answers

Aries: how to quickly fix a fist-sized hole in the wall???

Taurus: how long after the expiry date is my food good for?

Gemini: why doesn't my crush like me back?? I did everything right???

Cancer: why does my cat hate me so much???

Leo: am I pretty?!? (pics included!!)

Virgo: pls help I think I'm dying??? I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat!??!?

Libra: quick, which flavour of ice-cream should I get??

Scorpio: how to make my crush jealous?

Sagittarius: how to convince my mom to let me drop out of school and go backpacking??

Capricorn: what are some weaknesses I could say in a job interview? I don't think I have any??

Aquarius: my mom won't let me get a dog but I kind of already got one??

Pisces: my friend seems rlly sad lately how can I make her feel better???

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