Chapter Two: Special someone

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I wondered where he was at night we're he went after he finished dancing did he have someone to go home to? Maybe he did...a man like that would have someone special to comfort him

I sighed "maybe tomorrow, I'll ask him for a cup of coffee with me"

As I opened my eyes to stare out the window I saw the snow fall in the cold Seoul streets I put on a sweater & a scarf maybe some gloves I thought

I grabbed a cup of coffee before going to see Jonging Once I walked by the building I saw him there music playing he was moving in the way the music told him to his expression blank...still..always blank, but yet he was able of making me smile "Hey Jonging" I said cheerfully "Hi" he said as he kept moving I was glad I didn't interrupt his routine I smiled & sat on the ground sipping my warm coffee staring at his movement I was at a trance like always every time...

He finished & sat down next to me letting his blue eyed soul music play, the sound of Bob Dylan spread through out the room I smiled as he sat next to me he sighed "Nice to see you again Kyungsoo," I smiled at him "Really? Same here Jonging" I gently touched his arm he looked at my arm in a cold way I moved it away as he saw my hand I sighed "hey, um Jonging-hyung would you, um want to go out sometime? know to get to know eachother better?" Awkward silence filled the room as he looked at me slowly studying me I was dying to know what he was thinking of me it was an itchy feeling to not be able to read his expression he nodded "yhea sure" I smiled wider "Wow! Okay!" I smiled and hugged my legs close to my chest I was cold he handed me his jacket & put it around me I smiled & my heart was beating at an insane rate my cheeks blushed a little

"Jonging-hyung why are you so quiet & blank most of the time?" I felt emberrased as I asked him he looked out into space "I,'m usually this way.." I didn't know if he was lying or telling the truth so I nodded "oh...Okay" I smiled "why are you always happy?" He looked at me I blushed harder "'m also always like this.." I lied I really ment to say was

Because you make me feel so happy hyung your my happiness & I love you

But I didn't I didn't he nodded we had nothing to speak off it was difficult to speak to Jonging it really was he seemed like a very serious person I suddenly started singing along to Bob Dylan's make you feel my love as he listened to me he Smiled!

Oh my God Hyung smiled for the first time ever! He smiled at my singing I wanted to throw a celebration but I smiled & kept singing louder

"You have a wonderful voice D.O...I love it" he put his hand on my knee it was warm & that warmth spread through out my body I smiled & blushed "I like singing...I always have..." "You have an angelic voice" "You have Angelic moves.." I smiled as he smiled his smile melted every part of my heart every single part of my body got fired up as he smiled "D.O really,..I've seen you come here before..." He caught me..he knew I came here to see him I had to be honest "um...I'm sorry I lied before I didn't mean to, I actually had seen you since last year & I couldn't stay away, before I knew it it became a daily thing to see you dance.." I looked to the ground ashamed that I had lied to this wonderful guy he tilted my chin & my heart raised I stared into his eyes just melting away I smiled as the warmth of his hands spread through out my face he removed his hands as he saw me blush could he have seen the love in my eyes?

"I have a special someone," he broke me like that...he didn't hesitate to step all over my heart all my hopes just got thrown away every single last one "Kyungsoo I have someone I love very much, I can't love you.." He had seen my love for him, & he had someoneelse someone special "" I remained silent not being able to reply to his remark "I'm sorry but, I love Kris very much...I wouldn't let a kid get in the way"

That hurt me...I wasn't a kid, I wasn't special eather, but he couldn't treat me like a stranger...but the thing is he could & he did...all I did was smile & understand his situation "Are you two dating?" I asked he shuck his head ", but, I'm planing on asking him, I want to conquer him & I will...Kris is a really important person to me & I...I hope that he will finally say yes" I looked at the ground "so he had turned you down before? Why?" "because...Because I! I wasn't smart...I wasn't" he bursted out crying I patted his back & held him close If I couldn't be his hyung I could Atleast be his Yújin (Friend)"What happened Jonging? Tell me...please" "Kyungsoo I once had a drinking problem..." I was shocked how could someone like him have any problems what so ever "I used to drink alchahol every night before going to bed back then me & Kris had been dating he didn't like that I got home wasted every night I didn't eather but I couldn't help it it was addictive & I couldn't stop, & one night I didn't come home from the bar so Kris went out looking for me...he found me bleeding in an alley way I had gotten in a fight & I could have died if it weren't for Kris...but this caused Kris to leave me, he said that I had a problem that noone could cure & he couldn't take it anymore he was fed up with it....& I was too, but know I'm different! I found a hobby dancing! I'm healthy & I'm living a good life! Kris will take me back for sure know he has to!" He smiled as he cried I hugged him tightly as he cried "Don't worry Jonging...the past is the past..I'm sure you'll be happy with Kris" he looked at me shocked at my reaction to his relationship with Kris "why are you comforting me?, aren't you mad that I love someoneelse someone who isn't you" I smiled & touched his cheek it was warm then again why wouldn't it be he just finished dancing "Because I want to be your friend, I don't care aslong as I get to spend time with you I'm happy" he smiled "your beautiful Kyungsoo" I blushed as he smiled & started dancing

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