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The door of the pub closed shut behind me as I moved forwards into the room. Bright lights dazzled, music blasted, and lots of sweaty people shimmied on the dance floor. Bodies were pressed against each other, couples made out in shadowy corners, show-offs danced on the table tops. To the right was the bar, lining the wall. Tables were scattered around the dance floor. The reek of sweat mixed with alcohol stung my nose.

It was hot inside, and many people were wearing limited clothing. A slow came on and the lights dimmed. The dancers began pairing off. I turned my head away quickly as some began to make out more than they danced.

I made my way to the bar, perching myself on one of the red chairs.

"What would you like?" asked the barman, coming over to me.

"A beer please."

"Coming up."

I watched with keen eyes as he popped the cap off a beer. I wanted to be sure I knew exactly what I was drinking.

"Thanks." I took the bottle from the barman.

He winked at me and it took all my self-control not to gag. He was old. I wrapped my hands around the cool beer bottle. I began to understand why so many people were barely dressed. The pub was hot and humid due the mass of sweaty bodies. I felt like taking my denim jacket off, but I didn't want to be too exposed. My hand crept to my inner thigh and I felt reassured when my fingertips connected with the smooth leather sheaf of my dagger. I had back-up. I'd slipped my phone in my right boot before going in so that I didn't have to worry about getting it nicked.

I took a sip of beer and pulled a face. It wasn't my favourite drink. I preferred champagne. But I didn't want to risk getting drunk. Not that I got drunk easily. After three shots of vodka I was still sober enough to make sensible decisions. But beer from a bottle also ensured no one could've slipped something in my drink.

"Hey there sweetheart. I like your outfit." a masculine voice grated near my ear.

I jumped and spun around on my seat. He was hot, there was no question. But not the type I was attracted to. Swirling tattoos crept up the side of his neck and his unruly black hair dusted the top of his shoulders. He looked me up and down and I pulled my denim jacket closer around myself.

"Aren't you too hot in that jacket?" the man murmured suggestively.

He reached out a tan hand and began stroking up my arm to my shoulder. I tensed, slowly put down my beer, then whipped around, grabbing the man's wrist and twisting it.

"Leave me alone." I growled between clenched teeth, jerking his wrist an extra painful twist to make my point, before letting go.

The man looked at me in surprise, rubbing his wrist in confusion and then smirked.

"See you later." he turned heel and disappeared into the mass of dancing bodies.

I hope not... I muttered when he was out of earshot.

I let out a long breath I hadn't realised I had been holding. I was wearing knee-high black high-heeled boots, tights, a short and tight black spaghetti strap dress spotted with small red roses, and a blue denim jacket. I had been spotted and I hadn't even taken my jacket off yet. The night was going to be long. I sighed and turned back to my beer, leaning on my fist thoughtfully.

I felt a gaze on me. Slowly I looked up, my eyes meeting the bright green ones of a man sitting further along the bar. As we held gazes, my heartbeat increased. This man, I was attracted to. He had messy short brown hair and high cheekbones. He was wearing jeans, a tight-fitting grey top and a black leather jacket. His tight top putting to view a muscular physique. I felt myself get even hotter. I teared my eyes away from his, trying to appear calm and collected (and probably failing) and gazed intently at my beer bottle instead. I was just about to take a sip when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I groaned under my breath, closing my eyes for a second, before turning around.

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