Chapter 1: Introducing myself!

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Running my hand over the plain covered book that I would soon doodle over, I flipped open the first page, picked up a black gel pen and with a deep breath I penned down the first thing that came into my mind,

In every story there is a girl and a boy who fall in love because they just somehow get along, fast forward through this happy go lucky time period and somewhere he or she screws up big time (it's usually the men) and they fall apart blah blah blah bunch of tears and before you know it they do some heart touching action and they live happily ever after. I would sound like a grade A hypocrite if I said that I do not enjoy these stories, because I do however there is always something more that seems to be missing. At first I thought it was the fact that it was unrealistic or that fact that the story went the same way but in different contexts but each time I was left unsatisfied. And so here I am sitting on my bed and writing my own love story instead of studying for an exam that is quite hard actually.

Let me introduce myself, I am Mia. I am 19 years old with chocolate brown hair that is cut in the deep style cut lob hairstyle. I am average at my studies and since I am on the topic of studies I am a theater major. I enjoy morning jogs to get my blood flowing but make no mistake I do love to laze about and not get into any physical activities. I took a year off from my studies because after school I wasn't confident in myself and so I decided to make myself stand out from all the thousands of applicants that colleges receive and make myself unique. I always believe that in everything you do, one must stand out in order to be noticed. So during my break I got off my lazy butt and worked out every day for hours on end to get my body in shape and threw myself into getting myself out there. What does that mean? I started choreographing my own dance moves and routines to music and songs that I have always dreamed of dancing to and started putting my work out there, in the process earning a little money whenever the routine was good. I focused on working on different types of voices and accents while I was at home learning simultaneously how to cook different types of dishes from various cuisines. And most notably I began to write my own plays. At first they were not coming out the way I wanted them too, I couldn't complete the plays. So I turned to different sources and one such source was movies. Which led me to write this story, I know it is no play but it is a start. I was tucked in bed watching a romantic comedy called, 'Not Another Happy Ending', I am not going to get into the details of the movie but the lead role had said that she writes not because she is sad but because without writing one might as well not exist and then suddenly it me! It is not that the movie was lacking anything it was the fact that I had to write what I wanted from a love story. And fast forward to now.

Now let it be known that I have not much experience in the field of love but I do in fact do a little about it. For instance my parents, initially their marriage were arranged and they treated each other like strangers but sooner or later they became each other's best friends. Now let it be known that this story is not about a love story that I am about to make up but I am going to write it based on my everyday reality. What does that mean? That means that I am going to find a guy that I could potentially like and make an effort to ensure that it leads to something (I know this is a lot of wishful thinking). Based on how the relationship progresses I am going to write about it. I think it might also be fun to include my failures because frankly knowing myself and the level of awkward I am with emotions in reality it will be extremely entertaining. 

Enough ranting about myself let me tell you about my family. My mother is an ER doctor which means that she is out of the house most of the time in surgeries that is about all that I understand from her line of work honestly. Oh and also that hospital food is terrible so don't believe in the gourmet food that the doctors in Grey's Anatomy eat! My father works in bank which means that he is good with math and accounts and works from 8 A.M to about 6 P.M which means that he is home earlier than most of us and so he is basically in charge of dinner and laundry and assigning the rest of the chores between the kids. Speaking of, I am the middle child of two brothers, my older brother is 21 and my younger brother is 14 years old. Funnily enough somehow my parents managed to get us to be loving siblings who would hit each other if either one of us did something really stupid, which by now you must have guessed always ends up being me! My brother Darren (21) is almost done with college and is hoping to continue to pursue his dreams with basketball. My other brother Kevin (14) is the families little socialist, one day he just woke up and started changing things around the house and our behavior to ensure that the environment has to take less toxic from us. Aside from that he has taken up interest in feminism and bringing back what it originally stood for which is equal treatment of both men and women, this means that every night the family spends dinner listening to something new he found out regarding the law or anything against men and women and then another hour of the tv time is allotted for him to watch the news so that he can I quote, "Stay prepared for when I (he) go on the stand and finally bring justice to both genders and get them to finally respect each other!" When Kevin's interest spiked me dad was the proudest father out there as he would tell everyone including us that he raised the perfect little man! I don't know how my parents did it but they raised two perfectly well groomed men, and well I would say the same about myself but yeah let's not.

I am quite excited to pen down this experience, mostly because I guess it takes away from the nerves that maybe I am not going to get accepted into any college of my choice but aside from that thought I have always wondered what it would be like to write down about myself in my own little diary and pretend that the diary is a whole audience out there and I guess now I will get to feel that. 

"Mia darling you have been in your room the whole day, get down here!" my mother Giselle screamed from what sounded like the bottom of the stairs. My house is a simple structure, You walk in through the front door there is a small corridor with a shoe rack and jacket hanger that leads you to the living room but before that there is a flight of stairs that leads you to the first floor where all the rooms are a little ahead of the stairs and in between the living room is the door to the kitchen. We have a little garden porch at the back of the house where all our Saturday and Sunday meals are had out there unless is raining or snowing. "Mia!" my mother shouted again snapping me out of my writing flow. "Hold your horse's women; I am on high demand so I am doing my best to divide my time! This is the price I pay for being so popular!" I sassed back at my mother as I closed my book shut and lazily walked down the stairs just in time to hear my mother mutter to my father, "You are the reason behind her sassy mouth" in a tsking manner at my father who was too engrossed in a thumb war with my brother.

"I'm sorry but was I called down here because you got confused who was the child between dad and Kevin?" I said. My mother chuckled and looked over at the two boys who were sticking making faces at each other in the hopes of winning the match. "What were you doing for so long in your room darling?" My mother asked as she grabbed a bowl of popcorn walking to the sofa with me in tow and knowing that once my dad and Kevin smelt food they would come running. "I was just trying a new style of writing, getting myself ready to spend a life time of clutching on to the words of happier times before it all turns dark with old age and unemployment!" I exclaim in over exaggeration and dramatically sink in to the sofa laying my head on my mother's shoulders. "Is this the part where I lie to you and say all your hopes and dreams will come true if you have determination, dedication and will power?" my mother responds in a bored tone with a happy sparkle in her eye. No matter what my mother went through, no matter how much work she had it didn't show on her. Even after a long week of work she would always have a faint smile on her lips with a bright fire in her eyes showing just how alive she is. Whenever I ask her how she does it she always responds that the team work in the family makes her life and I quote, "Smooth as a baby's arse!" Ladies and gentlemen please meet my mother who took a sentimental moment and turned it into a joke. Ah what's not to love in the woman who held you in her for 9 months and then took care of you for another 19 years with the added condition of an overly dramatic daughter! 

"Off to dream land so quickly huh?" my mother said her tone laced with humor. I smiled sheepishly and curled into her replying with a nod of the head. I must point out that I am sucker for my parents tender loving care time as they call it! I do love to be on my own but when I do get time with them I don't hesitate to just plop on to either one of their laps completely disregarding the fact that I am grown child. "Dream land has been occurring quite often these past few days, it hasn't got anything to do with the fact that you just sent out your college applications does it?" my mother asked knowingly. Not wanting to admit it nor lie to her I just shrug in response hoping that the conversation doesn't carry on further. "Giselle, I smell popcorn! You better not have finished it without me!" my dad said from the kitchen as my brother and he came rushing out frantically looking for the source and location of the food. Once they spotted it, in a blink of an eye they were in front of us snatching the bowl and then on the other side of the room munching away their thumb war long forgotten. "So maybe I did call you down because I was getting confused who was the child between the two of them" my mother replied before the two of us begun laughing. 


Authors Note: Hello and welcome to Mia's story! I hope you have enjoyed so far and if you did please like it and share it! Do comment on the chapter and give me feedback, constructive criticism is always welcome! Thank you for joining Mia and her possible lovers on this journey and quest. Have a nice day, afternoon or night from whichever part of the world you are from! :)


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