Chapter 1

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-jack pov-

"Jack come downstairs, your dad and I need to speak to you about something," Mom yelled.

I got up groaning loudly and swept my feet over the bed and walked downstairs to see them sitting next to each other at the dining counter.

"Yes?" I asked.

They looked at me, until my dad instructed me to sit down, I sat down in front of them and waited until one of them spoke.

"We need to tell you something important, and before we tell you, please don't give us any negative comeback because we know you won't like it but it is the best that we can do," my dad explained.

I waited and tapped my foot impatiently..

"We have an arranged marriage for you, and before you say anything else, we did it because we want you to settle down, and lastly, we already talked to the girls parents and you are meeting her tomorrow." My mom exclaimed.

"WHAT!" you must be joking with me right now, I'm not gonna settle down just because you both don't like what I do with my life, it's my life and my decision, and I refuse to accompany this arranged marriage" I fired back.

"Jack, sweetie, we just-

I cut her off by getting up and going up to my room, I slammed it shut and sat down on my bed with my head in my hands ..

They can't just make me marry some random girl that I don't even know of.

I feel so sorry for her, she has to go through something that she probably didn't agree to either..

I laid back down and sighed loudly, hearing the door open, I shifted around and pulled the covers over my head.

"Jack, honey, we are sorry," Mom stated.

"go away, if you cared for me, you and dad wouldn't force me to marry some girl" i grumbled. 

i heard the door close again and i got up,  i sat on my bed for a good minute and grabbed my keys, i trudded downstairs and walked out the front door, i slammed it before either of them could say anything to me. 

~Ari pov~

"NO! i refuse to marry some guy i just met, you basically want me to be happy? then let me be happy but letting me make my own choices" i screamed. 

i ran upstairs and slammed my door, i sat on my bed and bawled my eyes out. 

the door opened and my mom strudded in, she sat down next to me and comforted me.

"Im sorry Ari," mom said.

"no, screw you and dad, i rather live somewhere else then be with you two," i shot back.

i got up and grabbed my keys and walked downstairs out of the house, i slammed it and went to my car. 

i got into my car and drove off to the nearest club there is. once i got there, i checked in and went straight to the bar, i sat down and ask for a drink. 

i got my drink and took a sip, afterwards i just put my head down because i wasn't having it. .

5 minutes later.

there was a tap on my shoulder, i looked up to see a handsome face with a perfect jawline, brown eyes staring directly down at me.

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