A Second Chance Part 1

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Taylor POV:

The sun shined through the blinds, reflecting off Adam's face. He had yet to wake up but it was only 5:30 so that wasn't too surprising. It was our one year anniversary today but I had woken up early from a bad dream and couldn't fall back asleep. Instead, I kept worrying about the kids, this was the first time I hadn't heard Brandon all night.

Propped up on one elbow, I lay back down on the bed just as Adam moved an inch and stopped snoring, enough so I knew he was waking up. A smile slowly appeared on his face as he stretched out, pulling me in for a kiss, I gasped at the sudden move before leaning into him. After a second I pulled away to lay my head on his chest.

"'Morning, love. Happy anniversary", he said in his thick Scottish accent, holding me a bit tighter.

"Good morning." , I replied, tilting my head up to get another kiss on the forehead in return. "Happy anniversary."

"Sleep well?"

"Mmm-hmm." , I mumbled, shutting my eyes. "Is today a school day?"

"No. It's Saturday." , Adam replied. "No need to get up yet."

"But shouldn't we check on the kids?" , I asked even though I would have been perfectly fine with staying with Adam forever.

"They'll be fine. They know to knock if there's an emergency."

I nodded in response. All the kids went to private schools so Adam and I took turns getting up really early to drive five of them to their school while one of us stayed home with Brandon who was only a little over a year.

Our house in Scottish was really really small, something that Adam had insisted and that I had gone along with even though I honestly couldn't stand in. Joe and I's house was so big and all the kids got their own room so there were fewer arguments. In this case, there were only five rooms and all the kids had to share which I don't think they liked.

But, there were benefits. We didn't have to clean as much space so I could spend more time with Adam during the day. Even though he still worked as a DJ, he had fewer performances so he could be home with all of us more often.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, finally, I heard a knock on the door and as an immediate response I untangled myself from Adam before saying, "Come in."

A second later, Lily opened the door, still in her pink floral pajamas, her hair was messy and she looked exhausted. I wondered if she had an argument with one of her sisters, I hoped not.

"Hey, honey." , said Adam "Is everything okay?"

She nodded and I sighed in relief.

"Well." , she began and I noticed that she was nervously rocking back and forth on her bare feet, a habit that she probably picked up from me. "Me and Daisy and Jack and David and Patricia and Brandon wanted to do something special for you two's anniversary so we made you breakfast in bed." 

"Come here!" , I exclaimed opening my arms for her to run and jump up on the bed next to me as the triplets came in next caring a huge tray full of pancakes, fruit, and coffee drowned with milk, just how Adam and I liked it. They put the tray on the bed in front of Adam and I then jumped onto the bed next to Lily.

Finally, just as I was about her ask where she was, Patricia came in carrying Brandon, who was perfectly fine, in between Adam and I so he wouldn't fall off, then went to take a seat on the edge of the full bed.

"Patricia helped us make everything." , Daisy said.

"But it was my idea." , David shouted out.

"No, it was mine." , Jack whined.

"Okay okay." , Adam said quickly before an argument started. "Everyone helped out and thank you all so much. This was so nice."

The rest of the day was perfect. All the kids ended up joining us that morning for breakfast, and we all ended up going to the park that day, there wasn't even any paparazzi for a change which made the day so much better. That night I couldn't stop thinking about the wonderful day. Even though it was only our first anniversary after getting married I couldn't wait for the next one to come.


I know that this was a Tayvin part and I'm sorry but there will be Jaylor eventually.

A Second Chance - Jaylor (The sequel to The One)Where stories live. Discover now