A Second Chance Part 2

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Taylor POV:

As everyone should know, happiness only lasts so long. The day after Adam and I's anniversary was pure chaos. 

The day began with Adam and I basically had to drag every one of the kids out of their beds, even Brandon was in a fussy mood and wouldn't settle, even after he was fed, which was usually the issue.

After accidentally burning the kid's breakfast since I was cleaning the house at the same time, we all went on a family walk which was going lovely until Dasiy tripped and cut her leg. Adam had to carry her home and we turned around before reaching the park because of course, we forgot to bring band-aids.

By the end of the day, I decided to have a last attempt to make the day at least a little better. I had just finished making dinner, mashed potatoes, salad, and pasta when I heard a knock on the door and went to see who it was. 4:30 wasn't the best time to visit and we weren't expecting anyone to come over. 

When I opened the door, I saw a boy who looked to be about fifteen with dark brown hair and green eyes standing there. He had on a nice suit and it looked like he combed his hair. I've never seen him before. 

"Hello." , he said in a sweet voice even though I could still tell he was nervous.

"Hi. Can I help you?" , I asked, suddenly expecting Adam to appear next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. But he wasn't home and had left for a gig late in the afternoon, not coming home until tomorrow.

"Um...yeah." , he replied biting his lip. "Is Patricia home?"

"Maybe." Suddenly I was getting extra protective. "Why do you want to know?"

Now he looked like he was about to pass out and I could practically see his sweating. I was almost sure I knew why he was over here now and wasn't happy about it. 

"Well." , he stuttered. "I...we have a sort of d-"

"Hey, Charlie!" , Patricia squealed from behind, making me jump.

Turning around, I saw my thirteen-year-old daughter wearing a full face of makeup and one of my dresses that showed way to much skin. Let's not forget she also had on three-inch heels and her hair had been straightened. 

"Hey." , he said in a dreamy voice as she ran over past me to give him a hug. I wondered what part of this relationship she thought I would be okay with. 

"Ready to go?"

"Nope." , I responded for him, crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame. "I'm sorry, Charlie but Patricia will not be going out today. We're all going to be eating dinner together without any guests."

That's when I saw her expression change from thrilled to a look that made me think she wanted to kill me, which she probably did. 

"What?" , she said with clenched teeth. "Let me go out with Charlie!"

I almost scoffed that she thought I would actually give in. "No." , I said plainly. "You're thirteen and not only do I not approve of how you're acting right now but you also need to change clothes and take off all that makeup when you come back in."  

"But mom!" , she exclaimed as I noticed Charlie take a step back cautiously.

"I'm not changing my mind." , I explained. "Charlie, I think you should go now."

All eyes were on him now and his face turned bright red as he took a deep breath. "Yes. Sorry." , he mumbled quickly walking away from from the house.

It was only when I dragged Patricia back inside by the wrist when she started her tantrum. 

"Why did you do that?!" , she shrieked. "Charlie is only a friend. You're the worst mom ever!"

"I'm not stupid." , I replied calmly, picking Brandon up out of his playpen and onto my hip as he whined in protest. "And you're still too young to date. I don't even know where you got makeup but take it off."

"My friend Clare got it for me, B.T.W." , she shouted. "And it was expensive so no."

"Well, you aren't getting dinner until then. It's your choice." I put Brandon in his high chair, strapped him in, then filled a bottle with milk and handed it to him as I saw Patricia's face get even redder.


"Ew!", Jack said making a face. "Why does your face look like a clown?"

Oh no, I thought. Patricia turned to face him. "It's makeup you loser." , she hissed.

"Well, it looks ugly!" , Jack bickered.

"Dinner's ready." , I said to change the subject as Patricia and Jack continued to glare at each other.

A second later, Daisy, David, and Lily scurried out of their rooms and into the kitchen as I began to dish food onto their plates. Patricia stormed upstairs, whether to take the makeup off or not I wasn't sure and Jack triumphantly took his seat as if he was the king. I sighed again helplessly, counting down the seconds until Adam came back.

"So.", I said while feeding Brandon a strand of pasta. "How was everyone's day." 

Simultaneously they answered at once, "Awful." 

Later on that night, after all the kids had been tucked in to bed, Adam called, probably to check on how the rest of the day went, but to be honest, I wasn't in the mood to complain about it so I just hit the 'cancel' button and sunk back into the middle of our bed.

I closed my eyes and was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard my phone ring again. Adam wan'st the type to call twice when you don't answer the first time so I checked my phone again. This time it was some different who's face was illuminated on my phone screen. This time it was Joe. 

A Second Chance - Jaylor (The sequel to The One)Where stories live. Discover now