Chapter 14: Justin's POV

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I wake up to ringing in my ears. I look around to see flashing red and blue lights. Then it all starts coming back. I sit up quickly pushing through the pain.

"Where's Catalya?"

"Sir I need you to lay back down."

"Nah where the fuck is my woman?"

"Sir if you could just lay back down everything will be fine."

"Where the hell is my baby? I need to see her. Where is Catalaya?!" I yell angrily trying to yank out the IV needle and my heart monitor bandages. "Sir!"

"I got this Barbara."

"Sir your wife was just rushed to the hospital you also need to get to the hospital. You have internal bleeding, a few broken ribs and your left leg and arm are broken. You need to do as Barbra says and lay back. The sooner you corporate the sooner you can see your wife."

I sigh and lay back praying to God Cat is ok and that nothing happened to her or the baby. I tried to hold her and make sure nothing happened but everything happened so fast.

She's gotta be ok. I want to spend the rest of my life with that woman.

"Sir what is your name?"

"Justin Stanson."

"Well Mr. Stanson you're very lucky. Most people wouldn't have survived that accident."

I sigh and feel the truck come to a stop. The woman opens the door and the man that I spoke to earlier comes around and helps her roll the stretcher out of the truck. I see a bunch of doctors race out and the man and woman tell them what happened and my injuries. Things begin to get fuzzy and suddenly things go black.

15 Hours Later

I lay in the hospital bed wishing she were here with me. I sigh as my grandmother fuses at me for stressing her out.

"Justin did you even tell her about you being in the streets?"

I sigh and and roll my eyes, "Nah grandma I didn't."

"Well you need to. This coulda been prevented if you just stayed outta them streets and just focused on ya clubs and restaurant instead. You're making so much money from those clubs why are you still in the damn streets? Oh, and don't be rollin ya eyes at me boy. You not too old to get a whoopin'."

I chuckle and yawn, "Grandma I can't answer that right now, ok."

She sighs and holds my hand. She looks at me and kisses my head. "Grandma has to go. I'll come back and check on you later baby." I nod and watch as she leaves and the doctor comes in.

"Mr. Stanson, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good doc I really just wanna see Catalaya."

"Ah yes, your wife will be ok. She's suffered multiple injuries."

"When can I see her though?"

"Well Mr. Stanson your wife is still in surgery. The babies-"

"Babies? What babies are you talking about?" I stare at the doctor confused. The doctor opens and then closes his mouth and raises his eyebrow.

"Mr. Stanson your wife was pregnant with twins. I'm sorry I assumed you knew that." I look up at the ceiling.

How could she not tell me that she was pregnant with twins? Unless... she ain't even know.

"Mr. Stanson I'll be back to check on you later. A nurse will be in shortly to check your vitals."

I nod and continue thinking about Catalaya. The nurse comes in my room and checks my vitals and then tells me that she will be back later tonight to check on me. I nod and close my eyes trying to block out the events from earlier today.

"Justin. You're alive! Thank God. Anthony he's in here!" Marcus yells and suddenly, Ant appears next to him. Ant walks in with Marcus trailing behind him. He nods his head and we dap before he pulls up a chair next to my bed.

"What the hell happened?"

"Nothing man just a car crash."

"That shit ain't just nothin nigga. What the hell happened and where is Cat?"

"She's been in surgery."

They stare at me as if they expect a reaction from me but I just close my eyes and lay back.

"Why are you-"

"Did you both know she was carrying my children?"

They stay silent giving me all the answers I needed. "Get out."

"Jay bruh she told me not to tell you because she ain't know if she-" I hear Marcus slap him and I open my eyes.

"Nah don't stop him from talking Marcus. Stop tryna save ya best friend. What the fuck was her fuckin excuse?"

"She was gonna go to grad school in New York man. Since y'all weren't really talkin anymore she thought that going to her dream school and starting fresh was gonna be good for her yo. And to be honest she needed a fresh start man. You've been fuckin T and otha broads anyway so I don't think you should be mad at her man."

"Yo get the fuck out with that bullshit nigga. You act like you a fuckin saint. You were fucking Johnny before he died and you told him you loved him more than Marcus's dumb ass. Bruh get the fuck out tryna say she's right! She tried to take my children away from me!"

"Justin Jamal Stanson you stop screaming at them boys. You actin like this the worst thing in the world. She lost the babies so you need to stop yelling and cussin at them just because you're hurt." My Grandma says as Marcus walks out of the room.

"Yo Marcus wait!"

"Fuck you Anthony. Stay the hell away from me."

"Thank you Justin for fucking up my relationship. You deserve whatever happens between you and Catalaya. She is too good for ya stupid ass. Dumb ass nigga." Anthony says before leaving the room. The room stays silent besides my grandma's shuffling to the seat next to my bed. She sighs and holds my hand.

"Jasmine is bringing Sky to come see you tomorrow. By then you need to be over your anger baby. I'm sure once Catalaya is out of surgery and is well enough she'll talk to you. But honestly Justin if I were her I wouldn't want to talk to you. You have a child with someone else and you're sleeping with her best friend and you haven't even told her you're in the game. You need to think about your actions before you start to accuse her. She was trying to protect herself. Not that it was right to runaway from you but baby you got somethings that you're hiding from her especially not telling her about your best friend dying and me having cancer. You need to talk to her once y'all get better. For now rest though." My grandma says kissing my forehead, pulling the blanket up more and sitting back in the chair. I sigh and close my eyes ready to welcome sleep again.

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