Chapter 3

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I can't believe it. This was the first time I fended one of them of. But I knew I could do more after they started just rushing me. And then I just punch them one by one.

That is until the block started beeping and I didn't punch as fast. The battery. I forgot about it. And then they all scream and walk backwards. I see Alec his eyes almost white with green fire coming of hair with his mouth open, like as if he was dead. Then he closes his mouth and then Gus and Co.  Stop screaming.

He's back to normal now and apperently when he did that he sent and invisible flame, which he can control the heat temperature of, after them like a bee which homes in onto its target, which we decided to call will-o-wisp, Luckily before the bullies hurt me again the teacher comes and calls us all in. Then she says "Gus why did you pour water onto Ryce's head?".

Wondering what she meant I see a drop of water land onto the floor and a bucket of water in Gus's hand. When we enter school Alex explains that he managed to put a bucket filled with water into Gus's hand and then used his powers to wet my hair. Unfortunately Gus and Co. are in detention meaning that after school they will come after us and my block thing is out of electricity stored in it. Fortunately their is thunder storm outside so when recess came I did what Dan and James said and I just stand outside. Waiting.

Until finally lightning strikes me and the block dings and then the teacher who was standing by the door way saw me and pulled me inside and asked if I was okay and how I survived. I point to the block on my back. "what is this?! We need to get it off you right now." and before she does I'm of running to my next class leaving behind me a trail of lightning as I do. Then I warp into the storage room since it is locked by now and sure enough it works. I manage to lose the teacher and get to class which is, surprisingly enough, Science. And just as I expected later that day Gus and Co. are with me and pin me against a wall.

Now reader this is something surprising. What is it you might ask? Continue reading then. I do a backflip of the wall and manage to land on the wall again but this time I'm holding Gus. Surprising I told you but what is even more surprising is that I was never able to backflip even do a wall run. I'm just standing on the wall. Surprised.

Then my instincts kick in and I do another backflip and now we are back to back, hands interlaced then I let go of one handle and elbow him as falls to the ground. Then I notice Alex and Alec take down the other goons then we run into the hidden underground lab alley.

             Chapter 4 coming soon

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