chapter 2~

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But what's the point of warning,you all already know this story is hella kinky by the title)

Third person's POV:

It had been an hour since namjoon had been touching himself and now he was close. He knew he had to ask for permission to come so that's what he did.

"I-i'm gonna c-come" he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth to quiet down his lewd sounds.

"Stop" seokjin spoke. Namjoon's eyes shot open and he retreated his hands ,much to his displeasure.
The rest knew Jin had something in mind for him to allow namjoon to touch himself. So they just watched closely.Jin stood up from his spot and stopped in front of the bed.

He looked at namjoon with predetor eyes. Even Hoseok and Taehyung squirmed on their spots , looking up at their dominant. "You two ,stand up" he said directing to the two squirmy boys. They immediately stood up, Taehyung almost fell.

He looked at his pet who was desperately crying and mumbling  'please's ' and ' sorry's 'and chuckled at the site which made namjoon feel more humiliated, but of course he liked it.

"Jungkook ,get the vibrator."

At that, Jungkook went to one of the drawers and got the pretty pink vibrator, with the remote.
He handed it to seokjin without a word.

The room was full of silence except the heavy pants and whines coming out of namjoon's mouth.

"On your hands and knees for me ,babe"

"Yes ,sir"

Namjoon shifted to his hands and knees. Shaking his ass in front of his master a little. He felt a dip on the bed behind him and a large hand spreading his plump cheeks.
Jin shoved the vibrator in the wet hole making the boy scream and then moan.
He quickly turned up the vibration to level 3 and namjoon fell forward into the sheets.
"Nnnn-, ah-, s-sir, p-please let me cum, please!" The boy was sobbing with tears staining his red cheeks and the bedsheets. He had one of his cheeks pressed on the soft mattress while there was saliva drooling out of mouth. His lips were swollen due to the constant lip biting.
"Is that how you beg ,slut?" Yoongi was now beside Jin and the others too.
"I'm s-s-sorry ,master ,ah-! Please l-let this slut come s-sir! I-I -ah- want to co-come for you~ please??!"
"That's better" jimin said. The rest nodded their head in agreement.

"On your knees ,in front of us and show us how you dirty yourself, whore"
Namjoon turned and scrambled on his knees.
"i-i'm c-cumming" the boy started bucking his hips as his back arched.


that was it ,he released into his hand and the black sheets.the vibrator turned off and taken out . His mind was still fuzzy because of the pleasure.When he got off his high, he saw his boyfriends by his side. "Did a wonderful job baby" jin said petting the tired now "Jungkook,can you take our baby to his room and clean him up?"
"My pleasure,hyung" with that ,the maknae took the big boy in his arms and carried him bridal style to his room.

Well Jungkook might have just ended up sleeping with the boy , after not being able to resist the others cuteness.

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