chapter 4~

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(this chapter will be more 'bottom hoseok'. Deal with it)

Third person's POV:

"JUNG HOSEOK!!". A loud voice beemed through the big house , making everyone flinch, especially the said boy. He sinked back into the couch ,not looking into the scary eyes that were glaring daggers into him.
The boy was shaking... furiously.
"What were you thinking when you gave sweets to namjoon in little space!!?, You know he gets a sugar rush when he's little!!"

Yes. Hoseok gave namjoon some candy, but how could he reject the cutest little puppy eyes? He knew Namjoon's behavior was unpredictable when he ate something sweet.
Well this time , he threw many tantrums, broke a picture frame, and hit Jin and jimin while they were trying to get him to sleep. Of course that resulted in spanking ,timeout and no praises or kisses for him.
But Jin had yet to punish the one behind all that trouble, which was hobi.

Hoseok didn't know how but he was now on the bed in the play ,or punishment room for times like now.
Hoseok saw Jin shuffling through the cabinets and drawers and it scared him.

Jin came back with a blindfold, ball gag, fluffy handcuffs and a vibrator.
Hoseok let out a shriek when jin roughly grabbed his wrists and cuffed them together above his head. He hated not being able to touch, well he is a very affectionate guy.
The younger boy couldn't help but let out tiny whimpers.
"Shh, try not to make alot of sounds, or I will have to gag you ,k"
The boy just nodded in reply. Which earned him a slap on the thigh.
"A verbal answer!"
"Y-Yes!, I understand!"
"Good boy"
Of course this was a punishment ,but it wasn't a big one. And Jin knew Hoseok loved it, he was a slut for it.
Jin was also very aware of his praise kink and always praised the younger boy.
"I'm gonna put the blindfold on ,okay?"
"Yes, sir"
After the blindfold was on the poor boys eyes, Jin then sat down on the edge of the bed.
He put the younger over his lap and pulled his pants and boxers down.
"You're gonna get 25 ,for disobeying the rules" the boy whimpered at the harsh tone *SPANK!* "I told you to shut it didn't I?" *SPANK* "didn't I?" *SPANK*"Yes! You did!"*SPANK*

21 more Spanks later
Hoseok was full on crying now. The pain was already unbearable and he didn't want more. He sobbed out to make Jin stop ,because he didn't know it was already over, he wasn't keeping count. Jin sat the boy on his lap in a way that hoseok's butt wouldn't make contact with his thighs. He pulled the boy in a hug and rubbed his back, lulling the boy and himself back and forth.
"Hush ,baby, it's okay, it's over. Did so good, was such a good boy. I'm very proud. Lay down on your stomach babe, let me put some cream on your bum, k?" "O-Ok sir"

After Jin applied the cream to Hoseok's bum ,Jin layed beside him.
Jin held hoseok's chin so he was looking straight into his eyes.
"Punishment isn't over ,babe" he smirked.

The next day:

"S-sir can I take it out, please, pretty please" the red hair squirmed on his seat. "No" the oldest on the table replied.
If you couldn't tell the second punishment was a vibrator in Hoseok's ass, for the day~
"Also, it's the right time to apologise to everyone isn't it?"
"Yes ,sir"
"Go ahead then"
Hoseok glanced up at everyone who were sitting on the table.
They all had a smirk plastered on their faces, well except namjoon and Taehyung, they were worried, but also aroused. (actually they all were)
"I'm sorry for breaking the rule by giving sweets to namjoon, please forgive me sirs" he bowed a little.
And of course he was forgiven by rest of the dominants.
"C-can I take it out sir?" Hoseok turned to Jin, with pleading eyes.
"Yes, you may"
"Thank you sir!" He hurriedly stood up and was about to leave when Yoongi, who was sitting beside Hoseok, held his wrist.
"Take it out here" Hoseok visibly gulped, he could hear the smirk on his lips as he said it.
The poor boy started trembling.
He slowly turned around to see everyone smirking, even Taehyung and namjoon.

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