the babysitter

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Michael walked out of his house, making sure to lock the door so he wouldn't get yelled at.

Taking in a deep breath, he fixed his jacket before walking to the house next to his.

He, unfortunately, had to babysit the Irwin's kid, Harry.

Michael obviously wasn't the one who offered to babysit, his mother did. She thought it would be good for his socializing skills. She mentioned that Harry has a brother couple of years older than Michael, and maybe they would be able to interact and hopefully be friends.

In all honesty, Michael couldn’t care less about making friends, but he wouldn’t tell his mother that or he’d get another two hour-long lecture.

He decided to just get this over with and go back to his video games.

Letting out a soft sigh, Michael knocked on the door twice before waiting patiently.

He knew the Irwin’s were good people, and Mrs. Irwin was Michael’s mother’s friend, but Michael couldn’t help but feel nervous. He was never good around people. He always gave off the wrong impressions. He’s always sarcastic and sometimes comes off as rude. He also has this thing where he can never shut up and always has to reply to what is said to him, even if it doesn’t require an answer.

The door swung open, cutting off his thoughts, there stood a girl who he knew as Lauren, Harry’s sister.

Now here is someone he got along with. They weren’t friends, but she liked Michael’s hair and the colors that he chose to dye it, so she was on his good list.

“I see you went with Pink, suits you well” Lauren said with a cheesy smile before getting out of the way to let Michael in.

Michael offered a small smile, “Thank you” was all he said, being the shy weirdo that he was.

“Harry is in the kitchen, Ashton and his friends are in the living room” Lauren said pointing towards opposite directions for the kitchen and living room.


They had friends over.

That’s just great.

Michael nodded slowly and walked towards the kitchen, but before he could leave, Lauren continued “They can be quite jerks, but don’t let them get to you” She said before grinning and running upstairs calling her mother.

“Just what I needed” Michael muttered under his breath before heading to the kitchen.

Before he could even see Harry, the first thing he saw was a very very very tall blonde standing in front of the fridge, studying what’s inside.

“Ashton, Michael is here” Harry shouted to his brother, when he saw Michael walk in.

Did he have to do that? Every. Single. Time.

It was Michael sixth (maybe seventh) time babysitting him, and he did that every time.

The blonde turned around and glanced at Harry before looking at Michael and almost chocked.

“You’re late” Ashton said, teasing Michael as usual, as he and Calum (his friend) walked into the kitchen.

Michael has met Calum before, but this tall-ass blonde was a stranger.

Michael hated strangers.

“It’s 5:59, I’m here early” Michael said softly, his eyes throwing daggers at Ashton.

“Fine, whatever.” Ashton said rolling his eyes and motioning for Calum and the other guy to leave.

“Nice hair, by the way” Calum snickered, before the three of them started laughing and left.

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