The next morning

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Toni POV
I hear a small whimper. What the hell was that? I am still half asleep and then I hear a light moan and then I realize. I'm still in bed with Cheryl. HELL im still in her. I go and try to pull her off of me and she moans and holds on to me. Well fuck this is going to be hard to get out of. She grinds down on my dick and I grow hard. Oh shit. This isn't good. I hear her moan again as I grow harder and harder. She moans louder this time and I can tell she's not asleep anymore. "Toni..uhhhh what's happening?" I hear her say
Oh shit. "We went to sleep and I was still in you when I woke up." I say in a very breathy moan. I try to move and she moans again. I pull out and she whimpers. "Ahhh T-Toni that hurts!" She says in a very light voice. "Sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to go to the bathroom." I say while getting up. I get into the bathroom and I was standing there looking in the mirror. I have red lipstick spread across my neck and hickeys down my chest. I got to over to the toilet and realize I still have a boner. It's so hard peeing.

Cheryl's POV
I hear a grunt from the bathroom and I get up to see Toni standing there trying to pee with a boner. I giggle and look at her and I see her glare at me through squinted eyes. I go to the kitchen and grab two pieces of bread and put them in the toaster. I feel warm arms wrap around me and then something rub up my ass up to my lower back. I turned around and Toni was still bare naked. I blush and turn back around and as I'm getting a plate I drop the toast on the ground. Fuck. That means I have to bend over. "Hey beautiful...pick that up." I hear her whisper in my ear as she lets go of me and goes to sit down. Is she seriously about to eat breakfast naked. I was right she is and I'm sitting in her lap too. I can feel her cock standing tall and proud between my legs as I straddle her. It was a nice silence as we at our toast. Then I felt it. Her dick twitched and I look at her innocently and get up and walk away swaying my hips to the bathroom. I hear her walking behind me but I shut the door and lock it. "Cheryl you better open this door now!" I hear Toni yell as she banged on the door. "No!" I giggled and I hear the door unlocking. Oh shit. I'm in trouble.

Toni's POV
I unlock the door. I hear a phone go off and it's Cheryl's evil mother. Penelopenis. I swear. I answer the phone. "Cheryl where the fuck are you?!?! You get you're ass back to thistle house or I swear I kill you!!!!" I hear her say. "Hey look Penelopenis I get You're mad but you don't threaten Cheryl like that or I'll kill you cunt! And fucking try touching her I dare you I'll cut your fingers off bitch!!!" I hang up and drop the phone on the bed and Cheryl was listening to the whole conversation. "N-no one has stood up to my mom like that." She's says on the verge of crying. "Hey baby I will stand up for you anytime." I say calmly as I sit with her on the bed. "Now where were we. Ohhhhh yeahhhhhh." I say as I start tickling her. "Babe stoooop!" She giggled "No you deserve this baby...... locking me out of the bathroom..... in fact you deserve much more." I said in a low tone. " I don't think I do daddy." She winks and gets up and walks away. She such a pain in the ass sometimes.

Cheryl POV
God she made me so horny sometimes. I literally see to Toni walk out of the bedroom still naked and make coffee. Is this like a regular thing for her. I giggle as she walks by to sit next to me. "What's so funny babygirl." She says sits down and sets her coffee down and turns my show off. "What the hell!" I said trying to be mad but in honesty this is fucking hilarious. "I wasn't to watch my show." She said putting football on. I look at her and then the tv and I flip over on top of her. She try's to flip me off but she can't. "Here is a little detraction from your game." I say in her ear while grinding down on her leg. I moan seductively while going faster. The wetness from my pussy on her leg. I feel her dick grow from under me.

Toni's POV
I feel my dick getting hard. Oh no. Not now. I am now rock hard and Cheryl is still grinding on my leg. Should I grab her and pull her down on my dick or let her cum I thought to myself. I then grabbed her hips and slammed my dick into her pussy. She screamed and it turned into a moan and she started to go up and down. "Daddy you hurt me T first." She moaned in my ear. "Sorry baby I didn't mean too." I grunted and she started moving faster. "Oh daddy that feels so good!" She moaned.

I'm going to leave you guys on a cliff hanger. Just because I haven't posted in a while and I needed to get something out soon. Thank you

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