3) Letting Your Guard Down (Glen)

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"Where are we headed?" It has been days since I found Lee-Ann in that hotel room. She was about to be forced against her will by three perverted shits. She would have been if I wasn't there. Honestly, I'm not quite sure why I even agreed to bring her along with me. There was just something about her I couldn't abandon. She needed somebody to help her. This time, I couldn't look the other way.

"Right now, we are on the border of Pennsylvannia. We need to head south." We are in the woods alongside a roadway. It's dark; the sun is starting to go down.

"Why south?" I look back at Lee-Ann. She is wearing the same clothes she had on the night I met her. Her brown wavy hair is mangeled and she has dirt on her face, but her big blue eyes shine as bright and as clear as day. 

"Because there is something down south I need to get too." I walk towards the roadway. There seems to be no cars coming. "We need to cross the road."

"Excuse me, but I need to know what we are headed for!" She walks toward me ruffling and squishing leaves on her way. She stands behind me. I turn around to face her. She looks tired and agitated. Most likey, with me. 

"You'll see when we get there." She sighs and shakes her head. "Since the thing with your Uncle didn't work out, and I'm still in need of new guns, I am heading to North Carolina to find guns; and maybe get you....a knife or something."

She looks insulted. "So, you just assume I don't know how to use a gun." I look at her doubtfully. "For your information, I can shoot a gun. My uncle taught me."

"Well that really came in handy the other night didn't it?" She looks away from me a bit embarrassed. I put my kneel to the ground and start rumaging through my bag. I try to find a bottle of water. We're out. We need to get more somehow. 

"I just.. didn't have a gun on me at the time." She kneels down next to me and looks at what I'm doing. "I was just really shook up over losing my Uncle."

I zip up the bag. "Emotions will get you killed. You need to fight them off. You should have a weapon on you at all times in this world, or else you'll end up just like you uncle, only less protected."

She scoffs. "It seems ironic that the guy who fights so hard for the ability to feel, choses not to feel at all." She got me there. I don't know how to reply, so I just change the subject. 

"We need to find food and water. We're out." I stand up and walk back towards the road. Still no cars. "We need to hurry while we're at it. The light only gets darker from here." 

"Well yeah. That's kind of how night and day works." I turn around to look at her. She has stood up now. Her blue eyes still shining through the coming darkness. 

"The sarcasm and attitude is starting to get tiring." I sound more bitter than I intended. She'll get the message. 

"Sorry. I'm just tired. How are we suppose to get to food and water when it's this dark?" She walks closer to me. "I hate the dark."

I turn around. "Why?" She looks up at me. Her blue eyes now wet and emotional.

"I...I haven't liked the dark since....Since.." I swallow and turn away. I feel the feeling of guilt start to engulf me. I feel my heart start to elavate. This is why I try not to feel, but at the same time, feeling is what keeps me from becoming a machine. I killed her whole family. I killed them and traumatized her for life, and I don't even remember it. I still don't know if that's a belssing or a curse. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. 

"I'm.....I..." She shakes her head. 

"Look, I don't how I'm doing it, but I'm starting to forgive you. You weren't the one who killed them. 'He who can't be named' killed them. I still don't know how to feel about you, but..." She takes my hand in hers reassuringly. "You saved my life. I owe you something for that. I have nothing to get you in return, so I guess my forgiveness is all I have to offer."

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