8) The Recruit (Kenny)

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I'm walking through the crowds of tents lined up along this stretch of land. With so many of us, it's getting harder to stay out of Greyson's sight. Everybody is walking towards the campfire. I have another speech to give. I turn around and see Izz making her way toward me. Once again her brown hair is up in a hair tie. But, tonight she's wearing jeans that aren't all tore up. The T-Shirt she's wearing looks like it used to be some kind of band shirt. The picture and writing are practically worn out by now.

Behind Izz, I see Maggie and Bryans walking hand in hand. A fight the urge to smile. Something about the optimism Bryans emulates makes everybody just a little bit happier. I can see why Maggie chose him. Us Inserts emotions are heightened. We feel things more extremely than the average person due to the chip in our brains. Most of the time we're more serious. Bryans treats everybody like they are equal. He sees no difference from average people are from the inserts. He must calm the burning rage, guilt, and intesity inside of Maggie. 

Maggie and Bryans stand beside Izz. Joseph stand on the other side of me. He's also one of the Inserts from the car Izz, Maggie, and I were in. The other guy in the car with us named Davis killed himself. He couldn't take the guilt of what he'd done. I almost contemplated killing myself after breaking out of Greyson's control, but that was the easy way out. I wasn't going to go out easy. I survey the crowd. We had picked more people since our last camp. We now have more than 130 people. We keep getting bigger. Soon we'll be able to make our first attack on one of Greyson's faculties. We still need more people though. I wait until everybody is here before I speak. 

"The reason I gathered you all together today is I have news. A few days ago Greyson was spotted heading towards Nevada. Since we're Nevada at the time I thought he knew where we were. I was wrong. He was chasing another lead. He's not in Nevada at this moment, but I still advise all of you to be careful when out hunting or whatnot." I look at Izz and we share a quick glance. "As of right now, we need more people. We need to strike soon." Another Insert women named Gill speaks up.

"We've been doing as best as we can. What else to you expect from us?" I sigh.

"Gill, I don't want anything more from you. I'm just making it known we need to strike against Greyson soon. The longer we wait, the closer he gets to finding us." She nods.

"Tony and I can survey around Vegas." I shake my head.

"That's too risky for you. Izz and I will be heading into the city later." Gill grunts. 

"Tony and I are just as capable as you and Izz. I thought you didn't play favorites Kenny?" Tony is standing beside her. He gives me a questioning glance. I cross my arms together. 

"It has nothing to do with your capability. It has everything to do with that I can't risk losing you two. You are much of my muscle. I need you here guarding camp." Gill just glares up at me. I hear Maggie speak beside me.

"Calm yourself, Gill. It isn't aways a competition." Gill snarls at Maggie.

"Shut the hell up! I wasn't talking to you!" Maggie's temper get a hold of her as she charges at Gill and gets up in her face. 

"I won't say it again. Calm yourself before I calm yourself for you." Gill backs up a bit and flicks Maggie off. Then she turns to me. 

"I'll babysit the little shits here." She then looks at Tony. "You coming with me?" He nods and they walk off. Gill is one of the most rude and frustrating people I know. She thinks herself better because if the chip in her brain. Which is disgusting in a way. But, she's still help and I'll take anything I can get. Bryans walks over to Maggie and touches her shoulder. 

"Don't let her get to you babe. She isn't worth the energy you watse on her." They walk back to their place, one again, hand in hand. I see Izz give them digusted look and look away. She then turns to me and speaks. 

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