Happy Birthday Michael Jackson

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Happy Birthday, Michael Jackson! I love you so much, from the bottom of my heart! Your legacy will live on from generation to generation! Words cannot describe how much I love you! Thank you for everything.


I'm sorry if some of it doesn't make sense.


Michael Jackson, when you were born

The whole wide world had ceased its mourn

You were an angel sent by the Lord

Your love was stronger than any grand sword

The world was full of unrighteous doings

Until you came, you changed those things.

You started working at the age of four

You worked very hard, worked right to your core

Did your work with all you could give

Tried to heal the world so in peace people will live

Whenever you sang, the sun shone

The fishes had swam, the birds had flown.

It's not hard to love you, it's not hard to see

Your magnificient smile, your eyes full of glee

Your fascinating masterpieces had amazed us all

Doing beautiful values as it was a Call

Teaching us to love one another like families

So the poor, wounded Earth would have less needed pleas.

Whenever you sang, the whole world smiled

Towards your fans, you're being beguiled

You taught the world to smile through its pain

Because you knew from frowning has no gain

People tried to break you, but you stood so strong

You stood firm and knew fighting back was wrong.

An innocent man, you were born to be

But the media pulls you down to the major third degree

Some unbelievers had believed their lies

They laughed, they scoffed, became rude and not nice

Yet you continued your beautiful deeds

Not judging people's races, colors, or creeds.

Money for people you paid for and insured

Safety and health you secured and ensured

Most people love you, but some people don't

But you loved all, giving hate you don't

You loved the whole world, you're willing to forgive

Those people who hated you, more love you'd give.

Happy birthday, Michael Jackson

You really turn us on

Your sorrowful life made us grow wiser

It made us urge to take a step higher

It taught us why we should love one another

You will be rememebered, everlastingly forever.


Posted: August 29, 2012

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