Love and affection

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I was over at Wade's house, and things were getting heated between us. I stopped. I didn't want things to progress if he wasn't sure about it, but he didn't want to stop.

I took my time with him. Since he never did this and I had, I knew what to do. We removed our clothes until we were naked, then I prepped him. I also wore protection.

I took my time with Wade as we went slowly. I savored every part of him, moving gently. I remember my first time; it was rough. There wasn't any love, only lust.

Since I had never been with anyone, the guy wasn't gentle, and it hurt. Before I knew it, I was in the backseat of his car. Afterward, I cried. All he did was drop me off a block from home. I felt used and discarded.

When I tried to talk to him at school, he ignored me. Treated me like I was trash. I liked him, but to him, I was a bet. I was just a freshman, and he was a senior. The only one I told about being gay was Uncle Jaime. Luke found out, and that was pretty much it. I also lost my temper and almost beat him to death. The school kicked me out. It was a mess.

After that, I had a few flings, but nothing serious, and I refused to get close to someone until I knew for sure. I also told myself if I met someone I cared about, I would wait. I didn't want them to go through what I went through.

Being with Wade was different. It's filled with love and affection. Both of us found our release, and afterward, we held each other. He got emotional, which happens, and I just held him.

I wish someone would have held me after my first time. It would have been so much better.

Wade wiped his face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cry."

"It's okay. I cried my first time, too," I reassured Wade.

"Was it like this," he asked me.

"No, I wish it would have been," I sighed.

He looked at me as I lay there.

"How old were you," he asked.

"I was fourteen. I was a freshman, and he was a senior. It was in the backseat of his car. It was rough and horrible. Can we not talk about this anymore?" I asked abruptly. I didn't mean to snap at Wade. I know he was curious, but honestly, it wasn't a time I had fond memories.

"Okay," he said, not pushing the issue any further.

I sighed. "I didn't mean to snap. It's just it wasn't the best time for me, and thinking about it makes my dick itch." This comment caused him to laugh as I chuckled to myself.

"Cole, I know you're private about yourself, but I want to talk to you about things," he said to me.

"I know. I've just never been one to talk about myself, but for you, I will make the exception," I said as I interlocked our fingers. That was the thing about Wade; I wanted to share my innermost thoughts with him.

We lay there and talked. I finally opened up and told Wade things I had said no one. He listened to me and told me something about himself that no one knew. It was just between us. Just the way I like it. It also made me fall deeper and deeper in love with him.


It was a different side to Cole I had never seen before. He was more open than he had ever been.

Since we met, he had never opened up to me like this. I treasured it with him. As we talked, we laughed, and he told me what he planned on doing with his future. I did the same. I could stay here forever.

Eventually, the talking turned passionate, and we went another round. Cole was as gentle as he was the first time. I couldn't have asked for a better lover than Cole. He made me feel things; I never felt for anyone and never would.

When we finished, we fell asleep in each other's arms. I felt safe in Cole's arms. I am so glad I ran into him in the hallway of school that day.

The next day, I woke to an empty bed. I sat up and looked around, then my phone beeped. I opened my messages.

Last night was incredible, but I don't enjoy getting the lecture from hell from my parents. I'll see you later, baby. I love you. - Cole

I smiled at that. Then I shot a text back.

Last night was terrific and trust me, you will see me later 😉. I love you, too, babe.

I laid back down, and a smile crept upon my face. Damn, last night was terrific. I had to agree with him about the lecture. When Antonio told me what happened to him, I was rolling. Adrian was too.

I slipped on a pair of sweats and made my way downstairs to grab breakfast. All I could think about was last night. What if it was a one-time thing? Stop it, Wade. You're letting your insecurities get the best of you.

As I made coffee, there was a knock at my door. I went to answer it, and a smile curled upon my lips.

"Miss me?" He asked me.

I pulled him to me as I crashed my lips into his. My parents walked past us. "In or out. We aren't paying to heat the outside," Dad said to us as we both laughed against each other's lips.

Cole came inside, and I closed the door.

"How was your night?" I asked them.

"Let's just say I'm glad we're home," Dad said.

Mom rolled her eyes. "It's not that bad."

"If I have to listen to your uncle Chester tell me his hunting story one more time, I will throw myself into oncoming traffic," he told her as I chuckled.

Mom looked at me. "How was your night?"

I looked at Cole, who looked away. I turned back to them. "Better than expected."

"At least, it wasn't boring," Cole smirked. They looked at us strangely as I avoided eye contact.

"Is that coffee?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I just made a pot," I told him.

"Good, I need some," he said, going into the kitchen. Mom followed, and I gave Cole a look who chuckled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as he followed me into the kitchen. Sometimes I wonder about him. But then again, this is Cole.

Good thing I love him, or I would be in trouble.

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