6-the first task

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Draco's pov

Slowly I opened my eyes to be blind by the sun light poring through the windows by the bed. I rolled over to come face to face with Harry. His curly raven hair was spread all over the pillow and his mouth slightly parted letting soft breaths out.
After about 5 minutes of me staring at him, his eyes fluttered open revealing those emerald and silver orbs everybody know and love.
"Morning bro" he said in a raspy voice
"Morning 'Arry" I replied slowly getting out of bed.
"I'm going to hop in he shower and then you can go in because we still smell like shit of yesterday" I said walking over to the bathroom attached to the room.
I quickly slip out of yesterday's clothes and turn on the shower, running my hand underneath the water before stepping in so I don't burn myself.
After I washed my hair and body I turned of the water and stepped out the shower and wrapped a soft towel round my waist;walking over to the sink to brush my teeth then dry and comb my hair,gelling it back slightly.
Once I was done i opened the door to find Harry sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Harry your turn" I said while pulling out a pair of black dress pants and a dark green dress shirt with a black tie yo match.
"Urr! Do I have to." Harry complained
"Yes because like I said you still smell like shit"
"Fine!" He said getting up and wandered to the bathroom locking the door behind him.
"What I'm I going to do with him" I thought
"I HEARD THAT!" Harry shouted back before I heard the sound of water from the shower. Oops I must have thought out loud again.

Once I got changed I heard the door open to reveal uncle sev leaning against the door frame.
"Do you ever wear casual clothes." He said. I noticed that he was waring a gray t-shirt,some black jeans and a pair of trainers.
"Wow I thought I'd ever see the day where severus snape would wear anything different than his black robes. Harry really must be rubbing of on you." I said with a smirk on my face.
"Oh shut up Draco. I do wear casual clothes just usually not around people, only when I'm in my own house. And by the way I'm only wearing these until we have to leave to see the ex-death eaters then I'll change into my robes. They are just to much for lounging around in." He said with worry all over his face when he mentioned the ex death eaters
"What about the death eaters?" Harry said as he walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a red checkered shirt,a black t-shirt and a pair of black jeans.
"Oh nothing 'Arry its just we have to go and see them later and you'll have to dress smart." Sev said walking over to harry and wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his head into Harry's neck.
"Draco can you leave so I can get dressed. Please?" harry pleaded leaning into snape's touch.
"Ok I need to see father anyways" I said closing the door after me,walking down the hall to the stairs. I really don't want to witness what happens when the two are alone.
Once I was down stairs I walked into the dining room to see mother,father,Sirius and Remus all sitting at the dining table.
"Morning father,mother. Remus,Sirius." I addressed them all before taking a seat opposite to mother.
"Morning draco. Have a good night sleep" father asked
"Yes actually. Not sure about harry though. He kept moving and waking up. Think it's the dark lord trying to get into his mind you know. He said it was a warning but he was saying it all to fast for me to make out what he was trying to say expecially at three in the morning." I said shrugging as father gave me a concerned look just before Harry and sev walked through the door,them both taking a seat to the left of mother.
"So boys I hope severus has told you two about what will happen later.Yes?" Father questioned
Me and Harry both just nodded.
"Well I just want you two to know that they will more than likely give you your first task to complete while you both go back to school." He explained with a worried look plastered to his face
"Your will both need to dress smart expecially you Harry. I know you hate having to wear smart clothes but they will not take kindly to anyone who doesn't behave or do their way."
"But-" Harry tried to say before being interrupted by father saying"no buts unless you want to get hurt by them." Harry instantly shut up and quickly continued with his food.

Once we had all finished our food me and harry went to get changed. I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him up the stairs into one of the  rooms,placing him on the bed while I rummaged through the wardrobe.
I pulled out a pair of dress pants,smart shoes,a deep red dress shirt and a black bowtie. Then I handed them to him to go get changed into. He groaned while he walked over to the bathroom. After about 5 minutes Harry walked out. I won't lie but he does look good in smart clothes. I walked over to him and tucked in his shirt and adjusted his bowtie all the while he tried to tame his curly locks but it was no use.
"So much better." I said looking at him.
"Urr. Let's just get this over with. I can all ready feel my mark burning." Once he mentioned that I realised that my mark was startig to itch. We both fled down the stairs to the second floor before entering one of the studies to see father and the other 3 adults in the room waiting for us.
"Harry you look really hot in smart clothes." Uncle sev said. He also had got changes into his usual potioned stained robes.
"Thanks" harry said. His cheeks Turing a pink colour.
"Eww not in front of me" I complained walking over to father.
"It burns. Is it time?" I said looking up at father as he put a protective arm around me.
"Yes. Me and severus will take you two to them while Sirius and Remus go and find belatrix and riddle to tell them about this. No doubt that Tom will be furious that his godsons have both been turned into death eaters." Father mumbled the last bit but just loud enough for all of us to hear.
All of a sudden Harry started to scream,clutching his left forearm while he fell to the floor to be caught by sev just in time.
"IT BURNS. MAKE IT STOP!" Harry said with tears falling down his face.
Father and Remus came rushing over to tend to their child. Remus quickly placed a cooling charm on his arm to reduce the burning,while father acio'd a ice pack.
"Is that better" remus said stroking Harry's forehead while being cradled by snape.
Harry just simply nodded before being lifted up and carried to the fireplace. Me and father followed sev and harry before being flooed to a dark building,I'm guessing to be abandoned warehouse.
Once we got out the old fireplace snape put Harry down removing the ice pack and dusting him and then himself off. Me and father do the same.
After a while I hear voices come from behind me causing me to wip my head round,Making the other 3 do the same.

Behind us we saw 5 different death eaters all standing behind another man.
When he turned around,he started slowly walking over to where we were all standing.
"Thanks you lucius, severus, you may step away." The man hissed and they both did as he asked. Leaving me and Harry standing by each other.
"Hello boys. You two ready to find out what your first task is?" The man questioned. We both just nodded as our answer as we were both to sceard to talk

"Good do you think you could kill someone for me?" He asked again
"Who is it" Harry asked timidly
"Dumbledore" he answered
"Of course we can. Can't we Harry?" I said with more courage that I actually had. Harry just nodded once again.
"Good. Good. Now leave I don't want to see your two faces until I see dumbledore's deathon all the front cover of every paper or that will be one of you. Got it?" He hissed
"Yes" we both said before apperating back to the mannor not bothering to use the floor.  When we got there i had to catch Harry to stop him from falling over.

Out of now where mother came flying in and gave me and Harry a big hug before letting us go,letting Harry hug Sirius and his dad. I walked over father and gave him a hug before crying. I couldn't hold the tears back. Mother came over and gave us both a big hug before pulling away and saying
"What did he say you two to do?"

"Oh find a way of killing dumbledore" Harry shouted
"KILL DUMBLEDORE!" Mother shouted
"You are both only 16 how can they expect you to kill dumbledore" mother asked nobody in particular.
"He deserves it. Maybe he shouldn't have enter my life and have me taken away from my real family and my chance of a childhood." Harry said with a smirk father will be proud of.
"Oh god. Go to bed before I go kill them all or even your two if you get in my way." Mother shouted, pointing towards the door while crying into her cousins chest.
Me and Harry did what she asked and went up stairs to get changed and climb into bed.
"God why can't I just have one normal year." Harry complained as he got comfortable,snuggling further into the pillow.
"I want to know the exact same thing. Lets just make the rest of our time last as long as it can before we have to go back to that horrid school."
Harry just simply nodded his head before drifting of to sleep.
Before i knew it i was fast asleep dreaming about what could happen during our next year at school.

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