Chap.24 one fan ruined it all

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Acacia's pov

"Babe come here please"i yelled though my hotel room "Im coming Acacia" Sam said. im so glad we are back together it makes me happy knowing that he wont be with that bitch Gaby she is so eww and im so AMAZING!!!Sam came i and i jumped on his back and gave him a kiss on the cheek then he put me down and he said"Ok so what did you want?" i smiled and said"Nothing i just wanted to see your face" he walked out of the room and i just sat and watched tv in my room.

Gaby's pov

They let me out of the hospital last night.I was with Kian and Sam in their room and Sam said"guys Acacia is coming over do you mind" Kian just said "what ever i dont care" and i said "ok i dont mind" Kian laid down and i put my head on his belly and he started to play with my hands i didn't mind it was relaxing then my phone vibrated and it was a bunch of twitter notifications from fans saying

"Still cant believe Sam is dating Acacia AGAIN😒i prefer Sammy and Gaby❤️"

"Why Acacia😕why not Gaby😋?!"

"What is Gaby doing without Sam is she happy or depressed?I'm confuzzled.

"I laughed at the tweet and thought Sam and Acacia were a joke but sadly i thought wrong👎 i still ship Gaby and Sam👍"

I laughed at the tweets but i did nothing i just locked my phone and then Kian and i had a thumb war and i won after 3 tries.Then we wanted a snack and i got up and went down to the lobby and got some chips and Arizona's then i walked back to the room and gave Sam his Arizona and chips.I sont talk to Sam any more unless im yelling at him for fvcking things up or saying something like"Whatever i dont care" or "Ok sure whatever" but i am developing feelings for Kian.

Kian's pov

I really want to ask Gaby out but I'm going to wait until after the tour.Tomorrow we are leaving for our next stop which is Chicago.Gaby is super excited to be able to see her family and friends.She is going to a party her friend Luke she told me about him about how he used to have a crush on him i want to meet his luke guy and all of Gaby's friends.Evelyn and Bria are going to the party with her and i want to tag along because i love parties.I walked out of the room to walk around with Sam and when we came back i heard yelling from the room and it was Gaby and Acacia yelling at the tv then i noticed it was a football game and it was the Chicago Bears vs The Philadelphia Eagles and Gaby is a die hard Bears fan but then i watched and Gaby and Acacia were getting along because Acacia wanted the bears to win too.Sam looked at the tv and said"21 to 17 Damn they are getting crushed" Gaby turned around and glared at Sam and he put his hands up and Acacia winked at him and Gaby jumped up and yelled "Yes block that sh*t" then she calmed down and walked over to me and i was sitting on a little one person couch and she just stood next to me and i said "Just sit down Gaby" and she sat on my lap"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ok i legit just made this chapter while watching the bears game. Just to let you know and if you were watching the Game too comment"i like cake" Anyways back to the story.


Gaby's pov

About 5 minutes after they left Acacia came and the game was on and we ended up watching it together then the guys came in and i sat on Kian's lap and watched the game a little more and the Eagles scored then minutes later one of the guy was running down the field and i got up and was yelling GO GO GO GO!!!! then TOUCHDOWN I screamed.Kian was laughing at how happy i was and when the game ended Acacia left to go pack for Chicago and i had already packed but Kian had clothes everywhere.

~Skip to Chicago after the show~

"Guys that was freaking awesome" i said and i went back to the hotel room and changed into a white long sleeve shirt that hangs off my shoulder with a small black crop top underneath it and some shorts with a gold necklace and a bracelets with rings i checked in the mirrior to see if i looked ok and i grabbed my purse and walked out the room to the lobby and outside then a whole bunch of fans were screaming my name and asking for autographs so i took pictures and gave them my autograph.In the corner of my eye i saw the group to people i was going out with and it was Isaiah, Declan, Octavio, Kyle, Luke,Mikaela, Tyara, Alicia, and Grace.I gave them hugs and Octavio oicked me up and threw me over his shoulders and said "im not putting you down until you say I LOVE OCTAVIO"i hit his back and said "never" then he put me down and held my hand and said"im not going to let you go until you kiss me"i just said ok fine and i stood on my tip toes and was going to kiss him on the cheek and right  when i was going to kiss hime he turned his head so i kissed him on his lips i pulled away and said "let me go now" he let me go and we started walking and my phone went off and it was Sam calling and he said ITS NICE TO KNOW YOU MOVED ON QUICKLY!!!YOU KNOW GABY I THOUGH WE HAD SOMETHING REAL BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG!!! i felt a tear run down my face i whiped it away and told Sam "Sam i thought we had something real too and deep deep down in your heart and my heart we know we are meant to be and i am tying to move on plus i have no idea why your mad your the one that moved on" i felt someone whip my tears and it was Octavio the rest of the group kept walking but he stayed behind to make sure i was ok and i heard Sam say "Gaby i-i-im sorry i thought you moved on because a fan posted a picture of you and some guy kissing and i got jealous and im just sorry" i just said "It's ok Sam everyone makes mistakes.Just like how i made the mistake of trusting you with my heart."

Sam's pov

i feel so bad i yelled at Gaby and now she thinks it was a mistake to trust me with her heart and i just wish i could be back with her and hug her and kiss her and never let her go.i need to talk to her when she gets back from the party."Sam are you in here" i heard Kian say i said "yeah" and he came in and said "i need to talk to you about Gaby" i gave him a go on look and he said "Bria said that Gaby wants to stay in Chicago because she has no reason to be back in Cali" this is all my fault i should have not cheated on her or made her mad or anything.

Octavio's pov

the reason i had Gaby give me a kiss was because she used to have a crush on me and i just remind her of our relationship....well in my head we had a relationship....i was waiting for her to make the first move but one day when i was at the park she had he arms out and was running towards me so i held my arms out to wait for our hug but she wasnt going to hug me she was going to hug the guy behind me his name was Neil and he ended up asking her out after they pulled away from the hug and ever since then i regreted not making the first move.back to now we are going to a club called Martini's and it's karaoke night so im going to try to get Gaby to sing.

Sam's pov

i cant take the wait to see Gaby im going to a club so i can relax more and losen up.

Gaby's pov

Octavio and i ran up to the group after i hung up and we just talked and Isaiah is getting his masters in business and Luke is doing online school.We finally got to the club and they went straight to the room with karaoke and they kept pushing me to sing so i finally gave in and i was going to sing "Liar Liar Pants On Backwards by never shout never" so i went on stage and they go me a microphone and i waited for the music to start.

Sam's pov

i went to this club called Martini's and i saw it was karaoke night so i went to the room to see who was singing and i heard the words "Yea im moving on but thats just the way it goes,When you break my heart everybody knows,Dont pull that shit again.." i know that song its by never shout never and the girl singing was good so i wanted to meet this girl.i walked into the room and it was Gaby and when she sang it she sounded like she meant it then she finished singinig and i was walking to her but that dude that kissed her stepped in front of me and gave her a hug and they just looked at each other for like a minute and he kissed her again and i got mad and ran off then my twitter nonification went off and this video of a guy and Acacia making out and i texted her telling her that i was breaking up with her and she said ok and my twitter went off again and it was a picture of Gaby and that guy kissing and after i saw the pic Gaby came running out of the club and she kept running and next thing i know im chaseing her and she ran back to the hotel room and i ran in and said "what happened?"she just said "Octavio touched me wrong and when i told him to stop he just slapped me and said dont tell me what to do then slapped me again thats when i ran"

Kian's pov

"i need to tell him but how" i said to Evelyn and Trev they found out that i like Gaby and they said i have to tell Sam that i like her and i have to ask him if i could ask Gaby out.Sam walked out of Gaby's room and into my room and Trev and Evelyn went to Jc's room.This is it i have to tell him...


Well i hope you liked that chapter sorry i havent updated in a while i have been busy planing a trip to Florida the 13-17 so i wont be updating sorry hope you liked it bye :]

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