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There stood her brother, her father and the ex-love of her life. Each of the men stood tall and intimidatingly handsome. They were all furious at her, each one of them probably wanted to put a bullet in her. Alessandra knew that it was time to go home, she also knew that she didn't have another choice so she held her head high and began walking. She acknowledged them with a small nod and continued to walk toward the SUV they arrived in.

The rest of the men followed suit and got in the car with her, no one spoke because everyone knew that they were walking on glass. No one had actually seen Alessandra when she was angry since she had previously spent most of her time with Valentin, but there were rumors. Most people knew that Alessandra acquired her mental stability or lack thereof from her father. They both had deadly quick tempers and when you put them in a room together there was chaos.

As a result, everyone walked on needles around them.

After a very long flight back home, Alessandra pretty much avoided her family. She had yet to see her mother and she still hadn't spoken to her father; which would be eventful, to say the least. As the night fell upon them, Alessandra stood on the balcony in her room that overlooked the garden in their backyard. She didn't regret one thing about going to Brazil, she loved it there. Of course, eventually, all good things come to an end but she also knew that this was just the beginning of a new era in her life.

Alessio, walked into the room quietly and moved to stand next to his sister on the balcony before speaking, "Why did you leave?" Everyone who knew Alessio was aware that he was blunt and very honest. He liked to get to the point and almost never hesitated. Unlike Alessandra, who asked questions before finally getting to the point.

"Do you know what it's like to constantly be in someone's shadow?" She asked looking at her brother. "Of course you do, you have to live up to dad, right?" She scoffed looking up at the stars. "Well, I don't want to be in anyone's shadow. I don't want to live with all these sexist men, pimpi."

Alessio raised an eyebrow at the stupid name his sister gifted him. "You were born into the Mafia Less, this is the breeding ground for sexist men."

"I realized that, so I left." She said moving away from the balcony and into her bedroom.

"What about us? Your family. We thought you died."

"Well, I'm very much alive Alessio. I just wanted to be selfish." Alessandra sighed sitting on her bed, obviously done with the conversation.

"You can't afford to be selfish Alessandra! Don't you know who you are? Your father is Ciro Rossiano and you're vital to this throne." Alessio yelled letting out all of his pent up frustrations. "I needed you and what about Rafael? Have you forgotten what you guys had?"

"Newsflash Alessio, Rafael broke up with me a very long time ago and we were toxic for each other, which by the way is none of your business. Not only that, but when have you all ever needed me? The only thing you needed me for was that stupid marriage, and I did that. I did that and I walked out as the shell of the person I was. I gave this family everything that I had and you're asking me for more?" She yelled back walking out of the room, tired of taking this from her family.

Alessio, of course, followed her, fire in his eyes. "This is about more than you Alessandra."

"I'm aware of that." She said sighing. "I'm tired Alessio, I can't do this anymore."

Then finally, she was transparent to her brother and he could see her. He sighed and brought his sister into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I haven't been protecting you, Less. I know it's hard living this life but trust me when I say you were made for this. You were literally born to be able to handle this and maybe you'll change some people along the way." He said.

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