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It was gurgling in the back of her throat, choking her to death, but she still managed to let out a scream that would crack a tree in half. She didn’t know exactly what was happening. All she saw was red. Not red as in anger, but as in she was drowning in a pool of something red. She dug her nails into her bed, only she felt nothing but wet soil.

“Hey!” Someone was yelling at her, “Can you hear me?” It wasn’t a voice she recognized. “Roman, I think i’ve found her.”

That was a sigh of relief, just to hear his name. To know that he was near and she trusted that he wanted to do nothing but protect her. “Denver?” Her body jolted just hearing him say her name and she felt a cloth wiping at her face. It was like her body always called for him whe she was having an episode. “Come on Den, open your eyes!”

She did as he demanded, sucking in a sharp breath as she came into realization of where she was; laying in the middle of the forest. She was freezing, “Why am I wet?” She choked out running her hand over her arm. The consistency of the ‘water’ didn’t sit well with her. What she was covered in was thicker and stickier.

“Oh god, Denver.” She reached out for Roman and without hesitation he gripped her hand. “What the hell?” He shook his head looking back at Peter with a broken look on his face.

“W-what?” She stammered out as she looked at her hand in his. It wasn't the dried blood she had experienced before, no, this was way different. She was covered in blood, a thick coat of it from the roots of hair to the tips of her toes. “Oh my god, what happened to me.” She sobbed out, but her eyes wouldn't produce tears she was so frozen and the blood had thickened on her skin too much. She knew she must’ve looked like Carrie by this point.

“Calm down.” Roman bit his lip, covering her with his jacket that he had used to wipe some blood off her face. “Everythings is going to be okay, you hear me? I won’t let anything like this happened to you again.”

She wondered to herself how he could possibly manage to protect her like that. If she couldn't control when this happened to her, how could he? When she curls up in her bed to go to sleep at night then all bets are apparently off. “I’m sc-scared, Roman.”

“Shhh.” He cooed softly as he scooped her up off the ground. “I’m going to take care of you. I Promise, Denver.”

It didn’t feel like it was over for her. Before, when she had burned to death, she woke up feeling fine aside from the dried blood. This time she felt like she was still dying, like she was left to drown in a slow agonizing death. Roman placed her in the backseat of his car, clearly not caring about the mess she was going to make. She reached out for him as her breathing became ragged as she heard him thanking Peter for his help. She was losing consciousness and she knew this was the end of it when her eyes drifted shut.

Roman was once again scared out of his fucking mind. There was a list of reasons why. One being that when he arrived home and went to grab Denver out of the back seat she wasn’t breathing nor was her heart beating, from what he could tell.  Second was that he would be taking a girl in his house for the first time, which he really didn’t want to do, it was much too intimate for him. Speaking of intimate, the third reason was he realized he couldn't just leave her laying in his house covered in blood. It was gross to do that to her and it would make her freak out all over again when she woke up….if she ever did wake up. This meaning he would have to give her a bath.

He took a deep breath as he scooped her out of the back seat and walked into his home.Though he never used the lift unless he was going to Shelleys room he decided that it was best that he used it at this moment. He laid her on his bed, not really caring about the blood on his sheets. He could easily afford new ones. He left for a moment to run a bath for her and when he came back he had to stop and stare for a moment. It was an odd site, not only because the fact that there was a girl covered in blood in his bed, but because there was a girl in his bed. He never liked the idea of it, but he knew that if it ever came to it he’d rather have Denver in his bed bleeding for a different reason.

He took a deep breath in and felt a swirl of guilt in the pit of his stomach as he started removing her clothes from her body. He knew there was no way a man had ever seen her intimately naked this way and he felt bad, but he reminded himself the reason it was for. Promising himself he wouldn’t look for too long so she would still have her pride.


Denver felt it again. Like she was drowning, but this time she didn’t feel like she was dying. She felt safe. Her face was immersed in water and she could feel thumbs gliding across her cheeks and fingers cupping the back of her head. She jerked forward out of the water, taking a deep breath and clutching the person beside her as she tried to crawl out of the tub. However, the person pulled her out most of the way.

“Roman?” She question between ragged breaths as he wrapped a fluffy towel around her and held her in his lap, rocking her back in forth to soothe her.

“I’m here.” She pulled her head out of the crook of his neck as she looked up at him. He looked down at her with an unreadable face as he smoothed her wet hair away from her face. He was piecing together a puzzle in his head to figure what exactly she was. He hoped that she wasn’t what he thought she was.


Yay/nay? Someone said they ship Roman and Denver.....how about Rover?? I like the sound of that (:

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