Prologue: Rejection & Exile

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"Are you trying to say you don't want her back?" Lilith asked the only creature she had ever wanted in her whole existence. She stepped closer to him, her tan skin covered with sweat, reflecting the faint blue lust flames surrounding them. She got so close her perky breasts had her hardened nipples brush teasingly against his chiselled chest.

He was a prince of hell, of course, but the beauty that God bestowed upon him was honestly a sin in itself. Ever since she met him all those years ago, thousands of years ago, she instantly fell in love with him. Sadly for her, it was an unrequited affection. Then again, this was Lilith, she was prideful as much as she was lustful. One of the most vain creatures in existence and being the mother of demons did nothing to dim the quality.

Asmodeus only looked down at her, his own body unabashed and exposed to whatever eyes that would dare to look. His eyes took in her snowy hair and her sharp, grey eyes. A light smirk on his lips remembering why he even entertained the demon in the first place. She was the first woman God created. Her face sculpted to a perfect heart with dark, dotted pigment scattered across her face; her small, upturned nose was paired with lips of cherry and a perfect Cupid's bow as its upper outline. She was beautiful yet flawed, the best thing about any of God's creations. The flaws that would be overshadowed by the beauty gifted, whether it was inside or out.

Unfortunately for Asmodeus, he didn't take a peek further towards her inner beauty to determine if the other was enough to have her with less hassle.

The demon was crazy and a force to be reckoned with. What made it worst was being forbidden from killing her. Him as well as his brothers as a punishment for his actions so many years ago.

Drifting his gaze to her freckle covered body, he could feel his sin already claw at him. Another punishment he had to endeavour, courtesy of his Almighty Father. Her curves were soft and her body slender, but she could use it for both their pleasures. That was what always lured him back, that and the fact his tied became best friends with her before she passed.

And somehow, it was as if a piece of her was actually with Lilith. The thought of Sarah both dampened and lifted his mood.

His lips remained sealed as he waited for Lilith to speak again, to refresh his memory on what she had said. As expected she did, placing her hands on his broad, strong shoulders, "come on, Asmodeus. Are you saying you don't want us? Just perform the ritual. We can be together forever with no interruptions."

"You are not my Sarah nor are you my assigned consort. If you aren't either, the ritual will go wrong." Despite the rasp in his tone, the deep melody of his voice caressed her ear having her wanting to spread her legs for him right then and there, like the many times she had done before.

Pouting, she gave a sigh trailing a finger-pad down his muscular arm, "come on. It's the mother of demons you're talking to. Nothing will happen to me. I can't be killed remember."

"Unfortunately." He uttered lifting himself off the stool-like rock he sat on.

This had Lilith staring straight into his glistening chest and she could feel the lust emitting off of him, "come on, master. You know you want me. Just look at you."

"I am the epitome of lust. I am always at attention. Perks of getting on dear old Father's naughty list. And I am just about finished with your antics."

"Antics you say?" She scoffed peeling herself away from him, "you didn't seem to have much problem with my antics when you had your loins grinding into mine."

Asmodeus almost laughed at that, "I am the prince of lust for a reason. I will penetrated you countless times. I have been over you ever since our first encounter. You cannot even give me my release. You're good for nothing. You only remind me of Sarah and I am ready to move from that."

"And you want to know why I remind you so much of her? Her soul is still alive. That is why you haven't found it in any of the realms. And I am the only one who knows where it resides." She smirked at him thinking this would give her just what she wanted for this piece of information.

But Asmodeus looked unimpressed, "it has been over two thousand years and I am not a common demon that cannot control or avoid its sin. I am accustomed to this and if finally getting rid of you means I may never meet Sarah again, I will be just fine with that. I have a consort somewhere out there."

"... you found your consort?" Asked Lilith in complete astonishment, "but how?"

"I am tired of the bickering. How about we ballot on if Lilith stays in the lust realm. Vain?" Asmodeus asked turning to look at his baby boy.

Vain was small and chubby with dark, thickly curled hair framing his round little face, his eyes held the vibrancy of his mother, but they were a shade of blue almost identical to his father. Baby Vain giggled with drool dripping from the corners of his mouth. His chubby hand rose, opening and closing as he cheerily gurgled his words, "bye, bye, momma."

"Your own son does not want you here either. How unfortunate?" Asmodeus teased as he walked over to the baby and took him up.

Vain blew a spit bubble and grabbed it with his hand, laughing hysterically when it popped, "gone, like momma."

"You ungrateful little shit." She seethed at her baby.

Asmodeus took little Vain's hand, closing down all fingers, but the middle one remained high and aimed at the demoness, "let us see if you will enjoy Satan's realm for a few years."

"Don't you dare!" She shrieked, but by the time she opened her mouth to say another word, Asmodeus held up his fingers and snapped.

Exiled, Lilith found herself surrounded by fire, but not just any fire, it was purple and wild. It moved with a passion she knew all too well and hated. She was in her least favourite realm, wrath. Ruled by the one and only Satan.

Before she could even move, faint growls crept up and the purple flames spiked as if attracted to something. Blinking, her eyes went completely white. Not very familiar to this realm, her abilities remained weak, especially since her diet had not been at it's best.

The hungry growls that came from the wrath flames were beginning to shape out. It was hazy, but she made out the demons of the realm being burned away by the flames. Their desperation to consume another life force momentarily displaced their eternal suffering. Their claws dug into the black ground as they fought to crawl towards her, chanting over and over in their low demonic tones.

"Fresh meat... Fresh meat... Fresh meat."

Mustering up as much as power as Lilith could, she managed to shift into her second form. Long ram like horns pushed its way out either sides of her forehead, whilst her teeth suddenly became sharp, long and yellow. Even her veins stood in dark grey and last but not least, her nails protruded from her fingertips to claws, ready to attack.

But suddenly an all too familiar voice-something dark and sinister-resonated with dripping annoyance throughout the wrath realm. Even the demons screamed in agony as the violet flames intensified, consuming them to nothing.

It was Satan. Satan found her. If she never knew what the expression "a living hell" truly was, she would find out very soon. Her blood boiled, but went cold all at the same time and the fight-or-flight in her battled her to a frozen state when Satan appeared before her with his massive physique and razor sharp teeth grinning down at her.

"I see my brother got tired of his toy."

Tied To Demons: The Consorted | Asmodeus & Fiona [SAMPLE]Where stories live. Discover now