A threat?

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  As the weeks went by things became easier for Y/n. Ozpin had given a special assembly after the cafeteria incident. In this assembly Y/n was requested to show off the darkness in front of the the students. Weeks before he would have refused but with everything that had happened lately he felt no need to hide it anymore. Y/n also had Team RWBY and JNPR's backing. After that assembly Y/n found everyone's opinion on him very divided. Some feared him terrified of what they had seen. Others were in awe of the power that he held within in seeking it for themselves. Then there was those who felt sorry for him but felt unsure on how to try make him feel better. The only thing they had in common was no one was sure how to approach y/n. Should they approach him like would friends or with extreme caution? This was why Y/n liked the company of his team and JNPR. They treated him like a person not for the demon that lived within him constantly trying to get out and reek havoc.

It was currently night. Y/n was sat on Blake's bed besides her. Both were reading books as it was something they found relaxing and had been the first common ground they found. Y/n was reading her copy of Ninja's of love attempting to find out why Blake enjoyed it so much. It had amused him a lot seeing how flustered she became when he requested the book from her. Blake was reading a book she had borrowed from y/n in return. It was a book about the past stories people used to tell but were not as common to hear about as time went on. Blake found herself enjoying it. There was a knock on the door that caught everyone's attention and the door opened revealing Miss Goodwitch. "Good evening team RWBY. I'm afraid The Headmaster has requested the presence of Mr L/n." Y/n sighs. "It was just getting to a good part as well." He says to Blake earning a blush from her in response. He smiles and bookmarks the page closing the book. " Will I be required to change into my combat gear?" Over the last few months Y/n had participated in several night missions for Ozpin. His powers and abilities to blend into the dark made him a highly valuable asset. Miss Goodwitch shook her head. "Not tonight Mr L/n I believe Professor Ozpin has someone he wants you to meet." Y/n tilts his head Ozpin had never mentioned meeting someone before to him. Wasting no time he followed Goodwitch to Ozpin's office.

The elevator ride up to Ozpin's office was silent. It always was. Once the doors opened the two occupants stepped into the room. Y/n's eyes immediately lock onto a man who seems incredibly nervous and timid. Ozpin notices the arrival of the two. "Thank you miss Goodwitch that will be all." She gives a sharp nod and leaves the room. "Mr L/n thank you very much for coming this evening." As soon as his last name is said the man Y/n had been looking at moments ago instantly become nervous and starts to stutter and talk quickly to himself. "Aww man i.i.it's really him..." He hears come from the man. Ozpin stands up and extends his arm gesturing the man. " Allow me to introduce Johnny Powell."

"Mr Powell here was to be a professor here at Beacon

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"Mr Powell here was to be a professor here at Beacon. However his research has unfortunately left him in... Quite an unstable and erratic state that would unnerve the students. Nonetheless he is not to be taken lightly when it comes to knowledge of the past. " Johnny instantly becomes defensive. "Hey man you don't know the things I know you would shit yourself too if you knew what was out there!" Y/n looks at the man a little surprised at his outburst but is more surprised when he becomes extremely nervous again just by looking at Y/n. "So... Who is this guy exactly?" Y/n asks confused. "Well Mr L/n Johnny Powell here is what you call an expert in this power you possess." Y/n looks at Johnny. "You know about the Darkness?" Johnny gets startled but quickly nods. " I.. wouldn't say expert I mean there all kinds of crazy shit when it comes to the darkness that not even I know but I know a lot.." He says quickly. "So what can you tell me about it then I want to know everything." Y/n says taking a seat and looking at Johnny expectantly who was becoming more nervous. "Okay. Umm well lets go back a long time.. In the beginning there wasn't shit literally nothing but void and darkness." Johnny moves a little closer to y/n. "And that just how the Darkness liked it... It wasn't until the lights came on that things started to get nasty. It started out small a..a planet over here. A sun over there, Next thing you know there are humans, Faunas and stuff running all over the place. Needless to say the Darkness was pissed. From then till now the Darkness has torn it's way through the world inhabiting one human host after another. Each thinking that they were it's master.. " Johnny is stood in front of Y/n now with a terrified look on his face. It's now that he notices that the unhinged man's eyes don't match one being blue the other green. "But you can't own the Darkness Y/n. The Darkness owns you.." Y/n looks at him taking this all in. "It doesn't matter how hard you try to hold back the darkness you can't hold back the night forever. If you can't control this thing inside you pretty soon there won't be anything left you'll be nothing but an empty shell." Johnny is looking directly into Y/n's face now. "And that's just how the Darkness likes it..." Y/n is more worried now it's clear this man knows what he's talking about he quickly gets up. "So what the hell can I do how do I get rid of this thing!?" Johnny looks at him. "There is no getting rid of the Darkness! Well not unless you have a son but then it would go to him..." Johnny starts pacing around. "The only other way would be the siphon but that's been missing for centuries." He rambles to himself. "What am I supposed to fucking do then?" Johnny quickly snaps out of his ramblings. "The only thing you can do. Find a way to keep your humanity. Find something worth living for and never let the Darkness take it..." Y/n gets frustrated. "And How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Ozpin sips from his mug. "That is something you will have to work out for yourself Mr L/n." Y/n sighs frustrated. Ozpin opens his desk taking something out. "This arrived for you a few days ago." He hands Y/n an envelope with a strange symbol on it. Y/n looks at it he was very confused. " Who would be sending me mail my parents are dead.. I don't have anyone else." He looks down for a moment before looking at the envelope again. "What is with this weird symbol?" Johnny looks at the envelope. "Oh fuck, oh fuck fuck no it can't be them right.. because that would be .. very bad.." This worries Y/n. Johnny may not exactly be the most stable of people that Y/n has ever met but this clearly is something that has him worried. "Johnny do you recognise this? "He holds it up and Johnny grabs the envelope from Y/n hands. "Don't touch it they might have put something in their that paralyses you!" Y/n feels a bit on edge. "You know I have the darkness right it will just repair my body.." Johnny looks at him with those eyes. "Not with these guys it can't. Not if it's the brotherhood..." Ozpin sits forward clearly taking interest in the conversation as does Y/n. "Who is the Brotherhood?" Ozpin asks. "Everyone has enemies in life Ozpin.. Even the Darkness has them but It's ripped apart and killed anything that got in it's way except for one." Johnny Points to the symbol on the envelope. "The Brotherhood.. White Fang, Secret teams of Hunters and Huntresses's they all have nothing on them." Johnny starts pacing again. "The Brotherhood is the great granddaddy of secret society's and they had one mission.." Johnny points at Y/n. "Protect the world from the Darkness. But there is only so long you can stare into the void before you turn just as black. These days the Brotherhood isn't looking to fight the Darkness they want to control it! Why? Who knows they are crazy! But the point is the Brotherhood knows the Darkness! It knows it's secrets and it's weaknesses now thats scary enough." Johnny looks at the envelope in his hands. "But if there sending you this.. It means they know who are and what possess you then it means they are back. Unless they have found the Siphon you will be safe for now but Y/n." Y/n looks at Johnny not daring to look away. "No matter what questionable things you have done with the Darkness." Y/n thinks back to the people he's killed without hesitation and looks down. "Your soul is still probably a few shades lighter than these Brotherhood guys. You can't Let them take it!" Johnny seems distraught now rambling to himself again about some siphon. Y/n falls into the chair he needs a moment to take this all in. If Y/n hadn't heard Johnny talk about the Darkness beforehand he would have simply waved all of this off but he can't anymore this is real and he knows it. Ozpin also appears to show slight worry for once. "Mr Powell what is this siphon you keep mentioning?" Johnny's Head shoots up from his hands and he looks at Ozpin. "The Siphon is the only thing capable of draining Y/n of the Darkness." Y/n gets up this sounds like it's good news to him "So why don't we find it and get this damn thing out of me! So I can finally get some peace from this thing!" Johnny quickly turns to him "NO! we can't let it be found ever! If the Brotherhood have found it then they can use it to take the Darkness for themselves but if the Darkness has it then it will be unstoppable.." Y/n falls to the chair before looking up. "So I'm fucked either way then basically." Y/n brings his hands to his face rubbing them up and down in frustration. Ozpin now stands up. "I believe you have had a lot to take in tonight Mr L/n perhaps you should rest for now. We can discuss this another time." Johnny hands Ozpin the envelope and Y/n slowly gets up not saying a word. still thinking everything over in his head. "Now Mr Powell let us discuss your new living arrangements." Is all Y/n hears as he leaves to head back to his own dorm.

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