Incident in the Cafeteria

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  Y/n and his teammates were currently in Miss Goodwitch's combat class. Upon the stage there was a rather tall boy with Orange hair combed backwards. He was wielding a mace. His opponent a blonde haired kid from team JNPR. Y/n had not bothered to learn anyone's name. Sure he had managed to become closer to team RWBY but would anyone else really accept him like they seemed to? "He's not checking his Aura why?" His attention turned to a red haired girl who was also apart of team JNPR. When Y/n returns his gaze to the stage he saw a mace raised above it's wielders head ready to strike down. BZZZ!!! They were interrupted by a buzzer and Miss Goodwitch stepping in. "Cardin, thats enough." He begins to walk off to the side. "Students as you can see Mr Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match." She turns to the boy on the floor seeming to be tell him off. "We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf now would we." The victor seems to keep a low voice but Y/n still hears him. "Speak for yourself." Y/n closes his eyes. "HE IS WEAK YOU COULD EASILY DESTROY HIM!!!" Y/n sighs the Darkness talking in his head was not a good sign he regretted not going out the night before. Hopefully today would go by quickly for him without anything to annoy him further. The boy from the stage walks off and Miss Goodwitch starts to talk about some upcoming Vytal festival. Y/n doesn't really care about a festival it just means more people for him to ignore but he can see others from his team getting excited. 'Perhaps I could use the time to train some more.' He thinks to himself. The bell rings. Y/n leaves heading to the cafeteria with his team.

Y/n was sat slowly eating lunch with both his own team and team JNPR. Y/n had never spoken to the other team not once. Not even to introduce his name but his teammates covered for him saying he was incredibly shy. While y/n was eating an energetic girl was telling a story only to be constantly corrected by the boy sat beside her. Out of the corner of his eyes Y/n noticed the blonde boy from earlier moving the food around on his plate he seemed out of it. This didn't go unnoticed by a few others. "Jaune are you okay?" The red head beside him asks snapping him out of his daydream. He attempts to play it off. Y/n isn't interested though instead something else catches his attention it's the Mace wielder from earlier. He's sat with his group seemingly picking on a girl with Rabbit ears. 

Y/n's blood begins to boil

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Y/n's blood begins to boil. While his table continues to talk Y/n is slowly beginning to lose his temper. Soon the Bunny Faunas lets out a cry of pain. "Oww that hurts. Please stop." Y/n snaps. He picks up his tray of food hurling it at the bully covering him in food. Everyone is shocked and looks at Y/n. Y/n the guy who never said a single word or conversed with anyone outside of his team or teachers had just thrown a tray at the school's bully. "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT!!" The Boy screamed out in anger. He was met by a shot that whipped past his face causing him to turn and face Y/n who had one of his pistols now drawn. "You are looking at him." Y/n says coldly causing his team to become increasingly concerned. Everyone in the cafeteria was now watching the confrontation about to take place. "You Motherfucker!" The boy yells his team now stood behind him attempting to back him up. "At least you look the same as your attitude. Shitty." The food covered boy pulls out his mace now furious. "Time to show them who's boss." The Darkness starts to laugh. "THIS MAGGOT WILL LEARN TO FEAR US!!" Y/n holsters his gun turning to his team. "I'm sorry but it's time they know..." Ruby and the team all quickly got to their feet. "Your going to let that out here!!" They all said in unison. After keeping it a secret for so long Y/n was finally going to show everyone the power he truly possessed. Team JNPR were simply in shock he hasn't said a word in weeks to them this was the first time they heard him speak.       "It's time for me to face facts and stop running. I'm a monster and need to be treated like one..." His team felt hurt when he said these words. Was this how he truly felt all the time? Why he never spoke to anyone but them? "Stay out of this girls it's between me and the freak no wonder Goodwitch never lets you fight in class probably to weak!" Y/n had moved. He was now stood in front of the windows facing the boy who was getting more and more pissed with Y/n's attitude. Y/n didn't say a word he simply clicked his fingers. Y/n had summoned a darling that could only be seen in his vision like he wanted.

Male Darkness Reader x Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now