A ruined meal

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  It was morning when Y/n opened his eyes. Light was filling the room which was slightly hurting his eyes. Y/n felt strange but he couldn't work out why. He closed his eyes replaying the events of last night in Ozpin's office back in his mind. He sighs putting one of his arms above his head opening his eyes again. Now that Y/n had time to wake up properly he realised why he felt so strange. 'Wait a minute where am I? Why am I in a bed? Why do I feel so.. warm?' Y/n thought in his head. He had finally realised that he was not in his own bed. Y/n tired to get up too see where he was but he immediately stops moving feeling something on his his chest. When Y/n looked down to see what was stopping him from moving so freely he saw an arm on his chest. Y/n's eyes quickly widen. 'Okay Y/n just what the hell did you do last night!?' He asks himself in his head. He looks back down at himself and notices he's still dressed in his clothes from last night. He immediately feels more relaxed at this discovery. Y/n starts to turn his head left to see who the arm belongs to. All Y/n sees is a girl with Black hair and a bow lying on her side close to him. Her hair is currently covering her face which is practically lying on y/n's side. 'Wait who do I know that wears a bow?' It then hits Y/n. "Blake?" He says quietly causing her to stir slightly and move her arm off his chest but not quite wake up. She however moves enough for y/n to confirm it is her.

   Y/n catches himself looking at her while she sleeps hugging her pillow now

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   Y/n catches himself looking at her while she sleeps hugging her pillow now. 'How the fuck did this even happen!?' Y/n starts to look around becoming worried thinking about what will happen when Blake and her teammates all wake up. "Shit l really need to sneak away for a bit before they find us like this." Slowly but surely Y/n manages to get out of Blake's bed making sure she is comfortable wanting to avoid her waking up. He let's out a sigh. "For some reason I feel cold now.." He shakes his head. "I'll go to the city or something I need to clear my head anyways." Y/n says to himself picking up his combat clothes before changing into them in the bathroom. When Y/n steps out of the bathroom he quietly moves across the room to head out of the door. "Aww I wanted to catch you and Blake asleep together." Y/n turns his head around quickly to see Yang sat on her bed with a smirk on her face. "What do you mean by that!?" Y/n asks quickly getting defensive. He had accidentally raised his voice a little causing the others to wake up.  

  Blake's POV

I wake up to somebody raising their voice. When my eyes adjust to the light I see someone standing by the door. It looks like Y/n and the events of last night come back to me. 'Oh god I admitted I liked him and even let him sleep in my bed.' My face must definitely be a shade of red because y/n looks just as embarrassed now seeing I was awake. "Blake!" He looks away from me. "Did you sleep well?" I can't help but stutter feeling nervous. " Y..yeah.." I say quietly. He only nods turning around and walking out of the dorm. "I guess he doesn't remember falling asleep in your bed last night then." I heard come from the voice above me. "Yang?" I asked. "The one and only." I hear her chuckle and jump down from her bed so she can see me. "He didn't have to run off like that I was only teasing after all." She pouts and sits down on my bed. "I quickly turn my head to her. "You teased him? About what?" Yang smirks looking at me. "Oh you know nothing to major just saying I wanted to see you two asleep together." She shrugs her shoulders as if it's nothing. "What! Why would you say that to him!?" I ask her feeling extremely flustered. She shrugs again annoying me a little. "Well as I said I was only teasing but the reactions from both y/n and you were worth it." She smiles and I try to hide my face.

Back to Y/n

"This is not what I need right now." Y/n says walking out of the dorm building. As y/n makes his way though the courtyard he sees a certain redhead sat on her own looking down. He sits beside her. "Pyrrha right?" The red head only now realises y/n sat beside her. "Oh y/n sorry I didn't see you there." He brushes it off wanting to keep the attention her instead. "So whats got you so down?" Pyrrha looks at y/n for a moment then gives in. "If I'm honest I'm worried about Jaune he's been struggling. I've even offered to help but he just turned me away." Y/n looks around the courtyard. "Then he is a fool." This causes Pyrrha to look at Y/n surprised. "He must be either very stupid or full of pride if he thinks he will be able to get better without help. We all need help in life even I am no exception. The sooner your leader realises that it is not only in his best interest but also for your teams, Because I'm sorry he will just keep bringing you down the way he acts is childish." Pyrrha is shocked though she can understand what Y/n is saying it seems so cold but oddly right what he is saying. "If he doesn't come to his senses soon send him my way I'm sure I can make him see whats right." Y/n chuckles at the idea of Jaune running away. Y/n did not having anything against Jaune but he did not like people who's pride got in the way. If he was willing to ask for help when he felt he didn't deserve it then why couldn't they? "I'm sure Jaune will be fine please don't say anything to him." Y/n sighed.  'What does she see in that fool..' He thinks to himself. "Whatever listen I'm heading out to the city care to join me?" Pyrrha looks at y/n. "You want my company?" Y/n nods. " Consider this me asking for help while offering coffee perhaps?" She thinks for a moment then smiles. "I'm not sure how I can help you but I shall try my best. The two made their way to the landing platforms boarding a ship to the city.

Y/n and Pyrrha were sat in a cafe. Pyrrha had ordered coffee while y/n ordered f/d. As they sat y/n was being quiet as always. This is until Pyrrha breaks the silence after a while. "So... Y/n what did you want my help with?" Y/n snaps out of his apparent daydream and sips his drink. "I was wondering if you could maybe help explain something to me. Last night I got some worrying news I won't go into details to sum it up someone wants me dead." This quickly shocks Pyrrha but y/n stops her before she probes any further. "I'll deal with that problem but first I want to get to the bottom of this one because it's been bugging me all day." Pyrrha looks at y/n and nods. She wonders what could be worse than a death threat? "After I heard the news last night I went back to my dorm. I don't really remember what happened but when I woke up this morning though I was in someones bed..." Pyrrha thinks for a moment. "Well that is not so bad really perhaps..." Y/n interrupts her. "I wasn't the only one in that bed.." Pyrrha goes a little wide eyed. "Y/n don't tell me you.. you.." Y/n puts his hand up already knowing what she was thinking. He shakes his head. "No I was still in my clothes from last night when I woke up." Pyrrha obviously looks more relaxed now. "Well that explains why you are in combat clothes." She composes herself. "Like I said that is not so bad right. To me it seems like you must have been on this persons bed and accidentally fallen asleep. Your teammates must have been kind enough to notice this and not disturb you to move you. They must trust you a lot to let you stay like that." Y/n put his head on the table. "I know I'm very lucky that they trust me. I just don't understand why I was even on their bed in the first place I could have easily have gotten into my own surely." He sighs frustrated. Pyrrha smiles. "Perhaps it wasn't rest you wanted the most it was perhaps the company of who the bed belonged to? It's not uncommon wanting to be near someone after hearing bad news." Y/n's head raised up slowly. "No. I don't seek company when I hear bad news. I push it away in order to keep them safe. Perhaps that is what I should be doing now. Maybe I should leave Beacon.. if it means that everyone is safer without me there. Besides I can't even get rid of the Darkness anymore that was my only reason for going to Beacon in the first place." Y/n finishes his drink. "Maybe in the beginning yes. But surely you would have left last night. Not returned to your dorm if that's how you truly felt." Y/n can't help but feel she is right. "I'm still more confused than ever." He looks outside the window. "I'm not sure where I am going in life or what I plan to do but I think maybe you are right about one thing. Maybe I did want company last night that is a first for me." Pyrrha nods and smiles. "You may have a demon that possess you but that doesn't mean your not still human deep down." Y/n chuckles a little. "Nicely put." Pyrrha pushes a little further. "And because you are human it's not impossible for you to grow close to one person in particular." This confused y/n a little not liking this feeling he tries to change the topic. "Well that's enough about me lets talk about this problem with Jaune shall we?" After a few hours of speaking to Pyrrha about things ranging from combat tactics to weapon preference. She had decided to head back to Beacon while Y/n stayed in the city. "I could do with some new books I guess." Y/n heads towards the book shop. Once inside Y/n heads to the history section maybe he would be able to find something mentioning this brotherhood from last night. Getting caught up in his search for any mention of them Y/n doesn't notice the person in front of him. Y/n bumps into the person knocking them over.

Blake POV

The rest of my team had decided to look for Y/n at the training facility. I had enjoyed the book had let me borrow last night and was curious to see if the bookstore in Vale had more like it. I was currently looking at a few books when I felt someone bump into me knocking us both down.  

Male Darkness Reader x Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now