Chapter 2 SoMo (Continue)

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(3 more hours later)

knock knock knock

"what you want!" i say sleeping

"Its your mother.What you think i want?"She said banging on the door. SoMo was asleep but he had to leave now.I push SoMo to wake him up.

"What? Why do you keep waking me up?"

"You need to go. My mother is here."

"Well I cant meet her?"

"Ew. No .We arent a "thing"

"But you want us to be a thing dont you"

"Yea but then my girls will get jealous"

"Fuck your girls.I want you."

Joseph stared me in my eyes holding my chin up.

"Ok I will go."

"Thank you. "

"Sofiana? you in there?" My mom says thru the door while somo goes out the window.

"Mom, it was unlocked the whole time." I lie.

"Are you ok? Jennifer,Sabirna,and Carlos where standing infront of your door for 3 hours."

"Yes mom im ok just get out." I say with my head in my hands "I just have a headache and my feet hurt".


"Joseph talk to me."


"Whats wrong?"

"Its my mom.She has cancer."

"Oh my. Is she ok?"

"No...They said she could have died if she had hid it for any longer."

"Why would she hide her cancer?"

"I dont know but they said she has 5 months to live."

"Aww poor guy . Would you wanna come over to the house to talk"


"Ok come at 3"

"Um you wanted me to come at 3 im at your house"

"Lord jesus just come in.If its locked theres a key under the mat"


.:moments later:.

"Hey Sofiana" Joseph says getting in my bed laying in it

"Hey" I said kissing his cheek.

"What are you doing?"Joesph asked me.

"Im doing homework. Why?"

He swats all my homework off the bed and on to the floor and get on top of me.

"Hey! Thats due tommorow!" I say

"I dont care. Like i said before I want you" Joesph whispers in my ear.

We start kissing.Then he takes of my shirt and kisses down my chest.Then he removes my bra. And start feeling my boobs.Then he goes lower.And lower.Till he gets to my panties."Joseph...." I quietly moan."Hush il take good care of your body" He starts removing his clothes and the rest of mine.He kisses me in place where the sun doesn't shine on me.

"You like that?"Joseph askes me.

"Ooo. Baby yes"I moan in reply.

Joesph makes me sit on top of him.Going up and down."Ooh yea baby.Mhm yes ,Ride me"Joseph talks dirty to me. Joseph hears a clang downstairs."What was that"He said

"Did you just cum in me?" i asked

"Um no "he lied

"But did you hear the clang?"

"Yea I heard it. You gonna go down there cause Im not."

" Come with me?" He asked

"Ok but dont get scared like a little bitch"

"Girl. Im SoMo"

"Your Point?"


They go down stairs to see what the grumbling was.

Joesph turns on a light a starts swinging.

"OW OW OW OUCH STOP STOP" The person says.

Joseph stops and see who it is.

"Cody? The hell you doing here"Joseph askes.

"I was looking for you"Cody Says.

"In my house!?" I yell."

"Well SoMo has a device in his watch witch tracks him"

"So why do you have a knife?" I ask.

"Because i heard thumping upstairs and was gonna check it out and maybe......"

"Have to go to jail, Yea great way to be a asshole. Please leave."

Joseph throws the watch at codys feet.

"No more Tracking,Cody."


"Leave cody!"

Cody walks out the door and Throws the knife at the ground outside.

.:Next Day:.

Me and Joseph are asleep in bed when i wake up and here another clang.

"Joseph, Did you hear that?


"Then why arent you getting up to check it ?"

"Cause I know if i pretend like in sleep you wont make me go down there and see who it is."

"Get your ass up."


Joseph and I check to see what it is.Lucky enough its just Cody again.

"What the he-"Joesph is interupted by Cody stabbing him in the stomache.

"JOSEPH!!!!" I screamed as Joseph fell to the ground.

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