Too Far

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"Hey Penis! You gonna show up for Decathalon practice or disappear like last time." Flash yelled as Peter attempted to walk to the bus stop in peace.

"Fuck off, Flash." Peter said sourly. Today marked the one year anniversary of Uncle Ben's death and Peter hated himself more than ever. Flash however took no notice and continued his taunts.

"Ooh feeling a bit brave are we? Is poor little Parker sad today? Why don't you go cry to your mum- oh wait! She's dead isn't she?" Flash let out a cruel laugh. Peter wasn't the only one feeling more daring. Now that they were off school grounds Flash didn't hold back.

Peter growled under his breath but didn't speak or do anything. "Piss off, Flash."

"But then there's always your dad isn't there! But he's dead too right?"

By this point Peter felt anger boiling up inside of him and clenched his fists, willing himself not to punch Flash.

"Heard you live with your Aunt? What happened to the Uncle? Oh yeah, forgot he's dead too." Flash shoved Peter harshly. "Your stupid Aunt's probably gonna die too."

That was the last straw for Peter. Without a moment's hesitation he gave a single punch to Flash, but it was a savage one. It sent him flying and while Peter looked on in horror at what he just did, everyone else was in awe.

How did 'Puny' Parker send Flash airborne for more than 5 metres. Flash let out a painful groan and while he thankfully landed on grass it took him more than a few seconds to recover from the rough blow.

"Oh my god... Mr Stark is going to kill me." Peter mumbled under his breath and made a run for it. His phone began ringing and he gulped as the caller ID read 'Mr Stark ✨'. Peter thought about ignoring the call but he knew that would only make him see more suspicious and with a sigh of resignation he picked up.

"About time kid, Happy called me-"

"I'm so sorry Mr Stark! I didn't mean to do it but he kept talking and talking about my parents and Ben's death and today's the one year anniversary. Please don't talk away my suit again! I swear it-" Peter's rambling was cut off by the concerned voice of Tony.

"Hey, hey, hey. What happened? Do I need to beat someone up?"

"What? No!"

"Then tell me why you're panicking so much." Peter could imagine Tony raising an eyebrow while saying that.

"Well... I-I punched someone." Peter admitted and expected shouting in return. Ever since the homecoming event he was extra sure not to mess up. He disappointed tony once and had no intentions of repeating the same mistake. The call was silent for a few seconds before Tony spoke with a completely care free tone.


Peter wasn't expecting that but still felt bad. "Did you forget I have super strength? It literally sent him flying!"

"Was it on school grounds or during school?" Peter shook his head, forgetting he was on a call for a second.

"O-oh, no. It wasn't during school or on school grounds."

"Then I don't see what the huge deal is. Anyways, he won't mess with you anymore at least. To say that Peter was shocked was an understatement.

'Maybe I am overreacting.' He thought and realised how satisfying it was to finally punch Flash.

"Hey kid? You still there?"

"Oh right, yeah."

"Well, Happy drove off so can you just swing to the tower?" By the time Tony finished the sentence Peter had already gotten his suit out and was in the process of putting it on.

"Sure, Mr Stark. Be there in ten."

"Just say Ton-" Peter ended the call and put his bag on his back.

"Maybe I am a bit proud of that punch."


Y'all the first oneshot was 3000 words this is less than a quarter of that oh my god.

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