Sensory Overload Pt 2

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So I learned in America you guys add the tax afterwards?? Like if something says it's 5 dollars you can't just pay with a bill because of text. Yo that's annoying as hell.

In Australia the price you see is the original price + tax. America, this is just one of your many annoying things.

Peter drowsily sat up and wiped the drool dripping from his mouth. Something felt off.

At last when he came too his senses and the dribble of drool running from his mouth ceased, he realised what was wrong. Peter was in a plush king sized bed.

Immediately he sat up and panic encompassed him. Where was he? Why was he here? Was he kidnapped? It wasn't until he calmed down when he saw the giant blue S embroidered onto the sheets.

The S could also be seen on the lamps, pillows and even chairs in the large room. Peter finally realised what happened. He was at Stark Tower.

The room he was in must have been a guest room because the decor looked incredibly boring and cold. Not to mention the Stark logo on almost every object in the room.

Peter couldn't even find the energy to get out of his bed not only because of his extreme confusion but also because of an immense and lingering tiredness in his body.

It was strange and it felt like Peter could lie down and sleep for another hundred years. Peter could also feel himself zoning out and you couldn't even get him started on how hungry he was.

Quietly, the door opened and a relieved Tony stepped in. He had gave Peter to Bruce who told him that what Peter had experienced was called a Sensory Overload and Bruce had them too.

He explained it in depth to Tony and he couldn't help but pity the teen.


Peter jumped and blushed when he saw it was only Tony at the door way.

"O-oh yeah, uh hey Mr Stark." Peter stuttered and it seemed the affects of the Overload were still effecting him.

"Are you okay?" Tony asked gently and Peter nodded. "Do you know what happened?" 

Peter shook his head and responded. "No, I-I can't remember much other than it hurting."

Tony sighed and slid into the massive bed next to Peter.

"Okay, let me explain. And no interrupting. I took you to Banner after you passed out in your school bathroom and I genuinely had no idea what was wrong so he gave you a checkup.

"After I put you in the bed he explained everything. What happened to you also happens to him and it's called a Sensory Overload. For him the causation is obviously related to The Hulk and his senses are dialed up pretty high. Like you.

"So occasionally, maybe every 3-5 weeks, you'll experience these. I might be able to predict when they happen but you're pretty much stuck with them. Bruce's overloads aren't as bad as yours but I'm going to make a room for you both when you're experiencing them."

Peter was silent for a few moments, turning all the information around in his head. At last he spoke.

"So... they're like periods?"

Tony blinked. He didn't know what reaction he was expecting but it wasn't this.

"Uh I guess. Period cramps are pretty shitty for women already so how about we times that by 10?" Tony said awkwardly and Peter still wasn't done.

"Wait why do you sound so, for lack of a better word, sympathetic?"

For the first time in his time knowing him, Peter saw Tony blush. Slightly.

"Jesus, kid, stop staring at me like that, fine I'll tell you. When I realised how bad Pepper's cramps were I uh began to help her on her periods and that's the end of it. We're off topic."

Peter giggled slightly and it soon turned into full blown laughing. Tony rolled his eyes and turned his back to the hysterical boy.

"Okay, okay, I guess it is kinda nice of you to do that Mr Stark. Now uh can I ask you something?"

"Sure, kid."

"Can I help you design the Overload Room? I already have some really good ideas!"

Tony shook his head (but nevertheless smiled) when Peter dragged him out of bed.

"Fine but we have to talk to Bruce abou-"

"Great! Let's go!"


I am so sorry for how shitty this chapter is okay. I tried but my brain can't seem to write properly.

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