3. The Surprise Slytherin

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Indeed, it wasn't long before the train pulled up to a small platform surrounded by a forest. For the last five minutes or so, he, Ron and Draco had been staring out the window trying to get a glimpse of the castle, but either the trees were too tall or the sky was too dark, for they hadn't seen a thing.

Harry and Ron followed Draco out of the train and onto the platform. Just as they were about to ask someone where they had to go, a great booming voice called out over the crowd, "Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! All right there, Harry?"

Harry looked up into Hagrid's beaming face and smiled. Ron leant over and whispered in his ear, "Harry, who's this?" Harry didn't get a chance to reply.

"It seems yeh've made another friend!" Hagrid exclaimed upon seeing Ron. "Would yer look at tha', you have the same hair!" Harry had a feeling he'd be getting that a lot. "C'mon, follow me – any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years follow me!" Hagrid continued to round up the tiny first-years and then lead them down a steep, narrow path. Harry wondered why none of the other, older students were taking this way.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "Jus' round this bend here."

When they did go round, there was a collective "Oh!" from the students. The path had led them to the side of a giant lake. More interestingly, on the other side of the lake, there was a giant castle. Its huge windows sparkled and Harry noted that it had many turrets and towers. His heart raced in excitement. Even Draco, who Harry knew must be quite rich, looked on in awe.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called out suddenly, and Harry finally spotted a small fleet of boats bobbing in the water near the shore.

"Draco!" Two voices shouted suddenly, and the trio spun around to see two brutish boys coming towards them.

"Crabbe, Goyle," Draco greeted coolly, nodding at each in turn. Harry thought that he didn't seem too pleased with them.

"Where'd you go in such a rush?" One of them – Crabbe – asked.

When they said that, a pug-nosed girl with neat, dark-brown hair spun around to face them. "There you are, Malfoy! How dare you leave like that?" she exclaimed furiously.

"Calm down, Pansy. I just went to find Potter, of course," Draco explained. Pansy's eyes widened in shock. She looked behind Draco to where Harry and Ron were standing, then proceeded to size them up.

"Potter? That's a weird name," Crabbe noted. Everyone but Goyle glared at him. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Which one is –" Pansy's question was never finished as she caught sight of Harry's small and embarrassed wave. "You don't mean that you're–" she started in disbelief. She paused. Collecting herself, she stuck out her hand. "I'm Pansy, as you know. Pansy Parkinson."

Harry shook it as Ron snorted, "Are all the other purebloods this stuck-up?"

Harry didn't say anything, but he did agree. He smiled to himself as he remembered how Draco had introduced himself.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy narrowed her eyes at Ron. "Never mind, I don't want to know. Anyway," she turned back to Harry, "did you know that Draco went on and on about you to me for weeks after meeting you in Diagon Alley? I believe your first conversation took place in Madam Malkin? He said that your name was Harry, but he never thought to inform me that you were the Harry Potter! I can see what he meant by shy, but not in the annoying way and oh, Draco, you were right, he really does have the most hazel eyes to ever exist. In fact, I can almost see them sparkle golden in the light, just like you said they would."

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