mr. malik

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i sit through class wanting to rip his throat out, finally the bell rings and i get up and walk calmly out of the classroom.

 "Ive been waiting" i hear a firmiliar voice.

i snap, i swing around seeing harrys smirking face. he pushes off the wall he had been leaning up against and steps torwands my body that is now shaking with anger. he moves his hand towards my waist but i quickly slap it away. 

"FUCK YOU HARRY" I scream as i push him backwards using all of my force, him knocking into other passing students tumbling to the ground. people are silent, staring at what had just took place, shocked the shy outcast would do such a thing.

i begin to see a spreading of the students and hear teachers yelling things like "break it up" or "move out of the way". as a teacher finally reaches me i am infront of the one and only, Mrs. Acklen. 

"The school counsler would like to have a word with you, Audrey"

"oh shit" i mumble, pushing through kids making my way to the office.

i am directed by some staff member, i've never been in this part of the office, ive only helped out with things in the front, i am a good student, or at least i was. 

i lightly knock on a tall wooden door, followed by a "come in"

i open the door to see a young looking dark haired man sitting at a desk, him signalling for me to sit in a chair on the other side of the desk. 

"so you must be Audrey. I've heard a lot about you." 

"such as?"

"the good stuff and the bad. so what happened? last year you had perfect everything, never even got a yelling from a teacher. its three days into school and youve already gotten into enough trouble to get you expelled."

"I'm getting expelled?! no, no, i cant, you dont understand."

"no need to worry, because of your clean record im letting you go a warning, okay? dont let him get to you Audrey, now lets be real, i know harry can be a dick sometimes"

i laugh,

"you got that right." 

"yeah, yeah, just dont let him bug you, alright?"

"okay. thank you." i say just as the bell rings, i hop up from my seat and see he is writing a hall pass. he rips the yellow slip from the package and hands it to me.

"now get to class" he laughs

"sure, and hey, i never got your name." i say looking him in the eyes, standing in the doorway

"Mr. Malik" he says firmly.

i smile and nod turning around fully exiting the room. and with that, im off. 

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