chapter 4

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No one POV

After tsuna left the rooftop,a black figure in seen jump from who know where and look toward the door where the brunette left just a few second ago.the figure is wearing a black uniform and having a tonfa on both of his hand.he narrow his eye toward the door as he recal back.


The rooftop door is slam shut loud enough to make the figure wake up from his deep slumber.'I'm gonna bite this herbivore to death'the figure thought while sitting up and look toward the door,there he found a brunette looking down and a sad expression on his face.the figure was about to take out his tonfa when the brunette suddenly crouch down and hug both of his knees as he begin to cry.the figure stare at the brunette without noticing that the bell already ring indicating that the lunch break over.the brunette then wipe the tears away as he stand up and open the door behind him,step out and then close it back shut.

~flashback end~

The figure still stare at the door.

"He look familiar?"

He question but then shrug it off.he walk toward the door open and close it back after he exit it.

Tsuna walk back toward his class after he left the rooftop but then someone slam their hand at the wall beside him making him flinch.he look up and to see the same boy he meet when he about to go to the rooftop,his body start to shake.the boy smirk and hold tsuna chin.

"Hello there cutie we meet again,how about you follow me this time?"

He ask in a lustful voice,tsuna shook his head side to side.

"T-the c-c-class gonna s-start s-soon"

Tsuna said stutter,the boy smirk.

"It fine,the teacher is having a meeting so it a self study session"

The boy said,tsuna close his eye shut and push the boy of him,he run.the boy who gut push immediately balance himself and chase the brunette.the brunette run and turn to the right and then left while his eye is still close.'he so damn fast!'the boy thought as he run chasing tsuna.tsuna then open his eye and look side to side feeling unsure which to choose,right or left?.

"I got you now!"

The boy shout from behind,tsuna look back and start to shake in fear he then turn to left.he run and run while looking back to see that the boy is still chasing but then he bump into something or rather someone and spill the cup that 'someone' hold.tsuna fall butt first and rub his head.the boy who chase tsuna face immediately goes pale as a sheet of paper once he seen who tsuna bump into,the figure who tsuna bump into glare at the boy making the boy take a step back and then run for his life.the figure look down and also glare at the brunette. Tsuna still rubbing his head.


He said,he open his eye and look up to see that the thing he bump into is a person and that person uniform is already stain with he think is an espresso because of it smell.tsuna notice the figure immediately stand up and bow.

"I'm s-sorry for bump in to you!!"

Tsuna shout,the figure still glare at tsuna.

"Yo,reborn what are you doing there kora?"

Someone shout while running toward the figure that now known as reborn.

"What happen to you kora?"

The person who shout ask once he arrive beside reborn.he look at the brunette and then back to reborn who is still glaring at the brunette.then some lamp appear out of nowhere above his head.

"Oh,now I get it kora"

'The boy is so doom'he thought to himself while looking at the brunette apologetically.the brunette open one of his eye and blink,he thought that he gonna get hit because of what he done,the he look up to see the one he bump into is still glaring at him.he flinch a little and then brave himself to speak.

"A-ano if you w-want t-to I c-can w-wash for y-you"

Tsuna said stuttering while looking down,the figure bring out a gun out of nowhere and aim it at the brunette. Tsuna flinch when he heard the click and look up to sees a green gun is pointing at him.

"Get me a cup of espresso in 10 minute and brought it to that room.."

At this reborn point at a room with his gun.

"Late,I'm gonna shoot you with this gun"

Tsuna nod and without wasting anytime run toward his classroom.if he remember it right he brought a bottle of espresso today.once there he slide open the door and rush toward his seat the people inside who witness this is all having a question mark above their head,tsuna then search for a certain bottle inside of his bag,once find he dash toward the place where the one he bump into said.he look at his wristwatch he shriek.

"Hieee there only 2 minute left!!"

He shout and run even more faster.he run and run until he see the door of the room.he dash toward and slide open the door follow by a loud


The brunette stop on his track and try to catch his breath,the one inside look at him and have a question expression on their face except a certain hitman.

" for"

Tsuna said breathing heavily,the figure smirk.

"Give it to me"

The figure said and hold out his hand.tsuna walk toward him and pass the bottle.the figure take it and drink it after he open it.he eye wide for a millisecond and then back to normal.he drink it until it empty and then give it back to the brunette. The brunette take it and bow.

"I'm really sorry because I bump into you and dirty your uniform and if you want to I can wash it for you"

Tsuna said while still bowing.

"No it fine you already brought the espresso in 10 minute like I ask you to"

He said,tsuna release the breath he don't remember holding it in,he look up and give the figure his brightest smile.

"Thank you!! And my name is tsuna by the way"

Tsuna said,the figure smirk.


The figure said,tsuna tilt his head.


He question,the figure sigh.

"It my name"

Reborn said and smile,the brunette smile back. while the one who witness it jaw drop to the ground especially the blond who with reborn when reborn order the the first time they ever see the hitman smile I means real smile not a smirk.reborn who notice the stare he got from the one inside the room,glare.they snap from their shock state and continue doing their work.tsuna look back and then back to reborn.

"Um if you excuse me I need to go back"

He said while fidgeting because of reborn stare.reborn pull the boy closer.

"Meet me at the back of school,once the school over"

He said,tsuna nod and then pull himself from reborn.the brunette smile and wave at reborn as he exit the room.once the brunette left,reborn clench his shirt at the left side.

"What was that?"

He mutter to himself,as he feel that his heart is still beating fast because of the brunette. The image of the brunette smile play inside his head.
'Cute'reborn thought.
.sorry if there a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy😊

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