Girl trouble

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Noah started a group chat with the boys

James:dude what do u need

Noah:girl trouble

James:you need girl trouble?

Noah: no James I need help with girl trouble

Eldon:can I help



Eldon left the chat

James:so who do you like?

Noah:Richelle she's so gorgeous and she's an amazing dancer she can sing and....

James:okay so you love Richelle

Noah:yeah I guess


James changed the chat name to 'Noah loves Richelle'

James added Richelle into the chat

James left the chat

Richelle:why was I added into a chat called Noah loves Richelle

Noah:well that's because I do love you....


Noah:omg I should have just shut up and not said because now my best friend hates me :(


The end,the end is bad I know sorry

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