Me and harry are on the Quidditch team!

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I was outside across from Draco with a cut on my nose from the troll attack and Draco Asked me what happened but didn't tell him. "Ok class were going to learn how to ride brooms." She told us what to do and I got it in the first try the Neville soon started to fly and he got yelled at. "Miss he cant." "Huh." I saw how he was flying then got on my broom." "Nikita stop." "Miss I know hoe to fly let me help him." "Huh go." I took off and went after Neville. I saw him hit a wall so I flew to him. "Give me your hand!" He lifts his hand then his robe ripped so I dive for him but miss his hand by an inch and he falls and I heard a snap.I land and go to him. "Neville!" The teacher runs and moves me and I'm looking at him and I watched him walk off. "Huh." "Nikita you tried." "Yeah."

Draco picks up his remember ball and laughs. "He gave this thing a squeezed he would of remember to fall on his fat Ass."  His friends laugh and I roll my eyes then Harry steps up. "Give to me Malfoy." "No." I stepped in and. "Now Malfoy!" He looks at me then Harry. "If you want come and get it." He fly's off and so does Harry then Draco throws the ball and Harry goes after it then Draco lands and looks at me and step up to me. "You need to stay in line Fulton." "Bite me." I saw Harry and I smiled and ran to him and hugged him then miss Mcgonagall walks out. "Nikita, Harry come with me please." We look at each other then walk over and lay out brooms down then walked with her.

Me And Harry were smiling we were put on the Quidditch team and we are first years. "Wow Harry this so great were on the team." "Two are cheats." I looked and saw a Slytherin and rolled my eyes and walked off then I felt someone turn me around and push me to the wall. I saw Draco and he was calm but determined. "Let me go Malfoy." "Not until you talk to me." "Why your a jerk to Harry and the others?" "Huh look I'm sorry ok I know I'm a jerk but I want to be friends with you." "Yeah well you have a funny way of showing it." "Yeah I know." He looked down then let me go and I fixed my sleeves then Draco grabbed my arms and kissed my cheek then ran off. "What the fuck!?" I looked at his running body then my cheeks got hot but shook it off. "What a twit." I walked to my dorm and put my stuff up then went to dinner and I saw Draco looking over and his face turned red. "Ugh what a twit." "What?" "Malfoy he's upset we didn't get in trouble but put on the team." "Ugh he need to grow the fuck up." "Guh Fred no Language." "Yeah right ok good girl." I moved and smacked Fred in the head and he hisses in pain while the others laugh." "I'm not a good girl Fred." "ok ok I'm sorry, god for a 12 year old your strong." "Yep I have a good dad...yep." I looked down and my head went up when I heard Cedric. "My little cousin down on her second month here." "Hehehe Cedric!" I jumped up and hugged him then we talked for a bit then we all went bed and I was in the back of the line like always I soon got pulled aside and I saw him. "Ugh will you ever stop." "No not until." "Were friends yeah I know but I need time god stop asking me!" I pulled from his grip and ran in the door before it shut and ran to my room in pure anger at how he was being so annoying why does he want to be my friend anyways I'm with a good group of kids and I yelled at him a lot and he still tries what is his deal anyways. 

the next morning I'm still pissed at Malfoy I went to class after breakfast and He was being nice to me then he brought up what he asked and I shot him a glare and he shut right up and left me alone for the rest of day.  I was walking around when I saw harry and the others running so I ran to them. "Guys? what's up?" "Were trying to figure something out." Soon the steps moved and we ran to a door and it was locked. "Ugh its locked." "Oh move over." I watched Hermione  pull out her wand "Alohomora!" the door opened and we ran inside, I soon stopped when I saw a three headed dog and I was stuck in fear then it growled. "AHHHHHHHHH!" We soon ran out and we had to push it back in to lock the door then we ran to our house and went straight to bed. "Bloody hell." I laid in bed and drifted off to sleep I soon started to dream of Malfoy and I was smiling for an odd reason, at the day we first meet and It was so wonderful then me dad came and hit me."   

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