Young, Sirius Black (Part One)

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Sirius Black. The notorious player of Hogwarts. Nearly everyone worships the ground he walks on. That is except me and my best friends Lily and Alice. Unfortunately, that can't be said for the rest of our group, Mary and Marlene. Mary and Sirius went out two years ago when we were in fourth year, they were together two months before Sirius ended it when he got bored and found someone else. She was heartbroken for at least a year and is still "in love" with him which I think is just a schoolgirl crush or infatuation. Marlene, however, only broke up with Sirius (well he broke up with her, but she likes to tell people it was the other way around) on the last day of the school before the summer holidays started so it's still slightly fresh. She was one of his long-term relationships lasting six months. Her, what Lily and I call, obsession with Sirius has lasted a lot longer than their relationship, we think it started in third year (well that's when we found out about it) and has remained strong for all these years.

Today was the 1st of September and Lily and I were waiting in our usual compartment for the rest of our friends. "How was France Lils? From your letters it sounded brilliant." I asked trying to keep her mind from wondering to Snape. You see, at the end of last year Snape called lily a Mudblood when he was being bullied by James and Sirius and she sometimes thinks about it, especially when she sees him around at Hogwarts or on the platform as we did 10 minutes ago.

"Oh, it was amazing, all the history and the architecture." She replied, her voice full of enthusiasm, "I wish you could have been there; you would have absolutely loved it!"

"Yeah my parents are thinking about going next year as my mum has friends from college over there."

"You'll love it there-"

A soft knock stopped Lily and I mid conversation. We both turned to look at the compartment door to see the black, greasy haired, git called Severus Snape. Lily went as white as a sheet and turned away, her hair creating a curtain so I couldn't see her face.

"Go away Snape, you're not wanted here." I spat out trying to keep my anger buried.

"I just want to talk to Lily..." he trailed off in a quiet voice.

"Well she doesn't want to see you, now shove of you snake." I reached for the compartment door to slam it shut when he grabbed my wrist and pulled out his wand.

"I said I want to talk to her." He said in a strong, unwavering voice.

"I'm not scared of you Snape. Lily doesn't want to talk to you so leave us alone!" I yanked my wrist from his grasp when I heard...

"Oi Snape! She said leave them alone, so get lost you slime ball!" Sirius appeared with James behind him, both had their wands out and pointing at Snape.

The Slytherin slowly turned to them, looked them up and down and then stormed down the narrow corridor pushing Marlene and Mary out of his way.

"Are you okay-" Sirius started, but before he could finish I was already back in the compartment checking on Lily.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. Her slim arms were slightly shaking, and silent tears leaked onto my jumper. "Hey it's okay. He's gone." I soothed her, rubbing her back. Her ragged breaths began to slow, and she looked at me her red eyes full of sorrow.

"You okay Evans?" James Potter stepped slowly into the compartment as though Lily would explode if he got too close, which she probably would if she wasn't so vulnerable.

"Yeah I'm alright Potter. Thanks for getting rid of him Black." Lily's quiet voice filled the tense atmosphere. "I still can't face him." She whispered looking down.

"It was my pleasure, Evans." Sirius replied as he sat down in the small space between me and the door. Mary and Marlene slipped into the seats opposite us sending Lily sympathetic looks. James squeezed in the seat between Marlene and the window keeping a caring gaze on Lily.

The compartment door slid open again to reveal a sandy haired Remus with a slightly faded scar running down the side of his face and a chubby, blond Peter who's face was bright red with his rat like teeth poking slightly out from between his lips. "You weren't in our usual compartment, so we came looking for you. Hey Lily, Ruby."

"Hey Remus, how was your summer?" I asked, trying to relieve some of the tension in the atmosphere around us.

"It was alright, I mainly just stayed at home, though I did go to James' for a couple of days." He replied with a small smile.

"Yeah we pranked my neighbour. He has this super annoying ginger cat that always comes into our garden and dumps his crap, so we decided to change the colour of its fur to bright green, it jumped out of its skin when it saw its reflection in the window, it was absolutely hilarious!" James explained while cracking up. Soon Sirius joined in on his laughter while I frowned.

"You know cats can die from shock right, that was a horrible thing to do, you really shouldn't be laughing. What if it got so scared and died what would you have told the owner?" I raised my voice slightly, feeling astonished that Remus would let them do something like that.

"C'mon Ruby, it was only a bit of fun." Sirius whined from next to me.

"A bit of fun that could have killed the poor creature. You should know better than that, especially you Remus."

"The cat was fine, besides the colour wore off before our neighbour got back that night. You need to stop worrying and enjoy yourself. All you do I worry and that stresses you out"

"I don't always worry, and I do enjoy myself it's just when you're there your presence tends crush it and replace it with irritation."

"Oh Padfoot, I think we should leave the ladies, after all your ego surely can't survive any more blows." James laughed as he stood up, still keeping a careful eye on Lily and making his way out of the compartment, Remus and Peter following behind him.

"I think I'll stay actually; I quite like sitting with the ladies." Sirius switched seats to sit in between Marlene and Mary, putting both arms on both their shoulders, while wearing his infamous smirk.

"No, you won't. I think we've all had enough of you for one day." I replied and grabbed him by the ear and shoved him out the apartment.

"Now down to the main question has anybody seen Alice?"

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