Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

"I'm hungry!" That's all that I've been hearing for the last thirty minutes. 

"Will you shut up, Niall?!," I scolded. All this boy ever did was eat and complain about how hungry he was. "We're just waiting for Zayn and then we can go."

Just then, Zayn emerged from his room, hair just styled. Niall jumped up from his seat on the couch. "Let's go!," he called, running towards the door. Zayn and I just exchanged glances at each other before shaking our heads.

The three of us piled into my car before hearing the ever-so-infamous question. "Are we going to Nando's?"

"No!," Zayn and I replied at the same time as I started driving. "You made us go to Nando's the last three times!," I continued "Why don't we let Zayn pick this time?" I could hear the blonde boy throwing his arms down on the car seats like a little child having a tantrum. A loud sigh escaped my lips before a gave Zayn a side glance. "So, where do you want to go?"

Zayn stoked his chin for a moment, thinking about all the possibilities. "Well, there is this one place in the city that has really good fish and chips. I can show you where." Niall groaned once again.

"It's either that or nothing," I reminded him. All I that he said in which I could make out was a mumbled "fine."

Twenty minutes later, and after getting lost twice, we finally made there. Remind me never to depend on Zayn for directions ever again. Thanks. The place was nice and small; it looked like a family run place, so I guessed that the food would be pretty good. Once we were inside, we all ordered the fish and chips. Of course, Niall ordered twice as much as Zayn and I did. But, that was okay since we both made it clear that we weren't paying for him. When we got our food, we went and sat at a table right next to the door.

"Wait, when do we have to start working again?," I asked, earning an eye roll from Zayn. 

"We just got back yesterday and you already want to go back to work?," Zayn asked.

All I could do was shrug. What can you say? I love my job.And it wasn't like I was going to be doing anything, anyway. Louis was going to France with Eleanor. Liam was going to Italy with Danielle. Niall was going to Spain with his friends. Zayn would probably be with Perrie. So, I had absolutely nothing to do. 

Just then, the door opened, and, being the curious guy I am, I had to see who it was. Looking up, everything stopped. Time itself completely stopped. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen walked into the restaurant. 

"Earth to Harold!," Zayn said, snapping his finger in front of my face, causing me to jump.


Niall gave me a concerned, slightly weirded out look. "You've been staring at the same spot for about five minutes, lad."

"I was?" Wow, it felt like such a shorter time.

"Yeah. What were you looking at anyway?," Zayn wondered, turning around and not seeing anything. 

I might as well tell them. "Look over there," I said, pointing to the girl who was just ordering her food. "That girl is extremely fit." 

They both looked at her and nodded. "Go talk to her," Niall suggested.

"What?! I can't just go up to a girl like that and start talking to her," I protested. Sure, I got Louis and Eleanor together and Liam and Danielle together. But, that's just what I am. A wingman. I could never, ever get that girl to go out with me. Well, maybe on one date. But, that girl looks like amazing girlfriend material. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a sharp "just go do it!" from a very polite Zayn. Note the sarcasm. Sighing, I looked around the restaurant and saw that she was sitting by herself. "Fine, I'll do it." It's now or never...

I made sure that I brought my fish and chips with me when I went over there. Just because I didn't want to make her feel awkward by sitting there eating while I'm not. Taking in a deep breath, I took the last few steps to her table.

"Uhm... Excuse me. Is this seat taken?"


Hey  guys! Sorry it's a bit late, I was half way through and my laptop decided it'd be okay to shut off -___- But, I guess it's still Friday in California :) So, I really hope that you like this chapter. Please comment! Thank you!

- Ashley xox

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